
This is a collection of various links, organised broadly along themes. The themes are:

This list is of course far from complete, and we welcome any feedback on new and interesting websites to add to this collection!


These pages provide information on the situation of Rroma, issues, and quite a few RSS links to which on can subscribe.

European Roma Grassroots Organisation

News and issues on the situation of Rroma in Europe.

Roma Kosovo Info

The latest on the situation of Rroma in Kosovo and the issues faced by refugees from that region.

Roma Decade

A web portal on Rroma issues. Lots of interesting and reliable information.

RomNews Network Community

The news part of the Romnews network. News poted by the various NGOs of the network. News can be of varying qualities.

Roma Right Center

A more legally oriented news source. From the European Roma Right Centre in Budapest, part of the Soros Foundation Network.


Dossier on the current Rroma situation, with several articles and pictures.

Roma in the Czech Republic

Site devoted to the situation of Rroma in the Czech Republic. Actual news, background info, etc. In several languages.

Roma Buzz » Unwrapping the Mystery Inside the Enigma.

Language and Research

These link are links to pages devoted to research on Rroma. Some are very scholarly, but contain lots of really good information and lots of other links to follo on.

Studii Romani

One of the oldest and most serious organisation devoted to research on Rroma. Located in Bulgaria, their website offers several useful links and information.

Romano Džaniben

One of the most serious research and information sources. This journal is published in Czech and Rromanes.

Rromanes DataBase

A scholarly site, with an online Rromanes database. Quite interesting to linguists.

Romany Language

A less scholarly page, with some interesting views and information on Rromanes.

The Gypsy Lore Society

Long at the forefront of research, the Gypsy Lore society has published hundreds of research papers on Rroma studies.

Études Tsiganes

A French site on Rroma studies.


This page links to various organisations, NGOs, local activists, or simply home-pages.

Romano Centro

An Austrian Rroma organisation, with an excellent monthly newsletter in German and Rromanes.

Rroma Burgenland


A Czech website (English translation is there!) with really useful information on Rroma, culture, etc.

Sanzi – Slovakia

A Slovak page, in English. This page is centred on the city of Jarovnice, where a teacher is helpping Rroma children in that city. The children paint and have done several exhibitions in various places.

Russian Roma – St. Petersburg

A Russian site, with a lot of information on Russian (Xaladytka) Roma. No translation available.

Kelderari in Russia

A wealth of information on Kalderaša in Russia. Pictures, information, news, etc. A must.

Roma in Lithuania

Information and more on Rroma in Lithuania, in the Kaunas region.

Rrom po Drom

One of the first journals in Rromanes in Poland, copies can be downloaded here.


Austrian Rroma association in Oberwart.

Deutsche Sinti und Roma

The oldest German Sinti and Roma association. Informations, some documentation. In German/English.

Romnews Society

The web portal of the Roma National Congress (Rroma NGO in Hamburg). Lots of links, excellent news.

Union Romani

Not to be mistaken with the International Romani Union! In Spanish and Rromanes, useful information about Rroma in Spain.

Amaro Drom

A Hungarian NGO, the web page is in Hungarian…

Roma Portál

A portal on Rroma in Hungary. Mostly in Hungarian, with some bits and pieces in Rromanes and in other languages.


In Rromanes and German, some information on Rroma, culture, events, and television. The page is not friendly with all browsers!

Roma Education Fund

A NGO, part of the Soros Foundation network, whose aim is to further Rroma education. Grants applications are possible.

Roma Film Foundation

A NGO promoting Rroma films.

Romani CRISS

A Romanian NGO, with a wealth of activities. In Romanian, German, and English.

International Romani Writers’ Association

A Rroma writer’s association.

Romendar Romenge

A private web page. Quite a few useful links, some good information.

Patrin Web Journal

One of the oldest pages on Rroma. Lots of information. Based in France, but in English.

Stiftung für Freiheit und Menschenrechte


Music and Musicians

Some, albeit not all good Rroma musicians have a home page. This lists some of our favourites. For more about Rroma music, go to the following link.