05.07.2013 Police Operation against Rroma in Moldava nad Bodvou

Vilikovská (2013) provides information about a police operation against Rroma in Moldava nad Bodvou, in eastern Slovakia. Critics accused the police to have acted out based on racist motives. The local police chief relativised this accusation and stated that this was an action targeting the arrest of specific individuals and looking for sought objects. He described the reports of the brutality of the police as false, half-wrong or misleading. The civil organization Project Slovensko replies that about thirty people, including children and newborns, were injured during the operation.


  • Vilikovská, Zuzana (2013) Gašpar: Police raid on Moldava nad Bodvou was not revenge against Roma. In: The Slovak Spectator online vom 4.7.2013. 