06.09.2013 Rroma House in Duisburg

The disputed house in Duisburg, informally called Rroma-House, continues to feed a heated debate. Unfortunately, journalists still reproduce little thought views that present a one-dimensional view of the migration to Germany and explain all the problems with culturalism rather than with poverty and lack of education. RTL online states: “Germany is a paradise for them. You no longer come as asylum seekers, but as EU citizens. As such, they have the right to live where they want and get twenty times as much money for children as in their home. From 2014, they can then work completely legally here – or get Hartz 4 [tn: social help]. It is a test for the society. But Roma want to change. they learn that there are rules and all are willing to abide by these” (RTL 2013). RTL uncritically reproduces the dominant discourse of right-wing parties on economic migration, which omits to show  that migration has diverse backgrounds. Also, as so often, too little distinction is made between poverty caused by life circumstances and cultural characteristics. Instead, living in a ghetto in South East Europe is presented as cultural identity of these people. This hurts all Rroma who do not meet these stereotypes and lead a normal, inconspicuous life. A differentiated coverage must represent the heterogeneity and complexity rather than generalizations and culturalism.
