14.06.2013 Street Prostitutes at the Zurich Sihlquai and Bilateral Cooperation


Bracher (2013) reports on the plans of the Hungarian Minister of Education and Labour, Zoltan Balog, who visited Switzerland for a lecture at the University of Zurich last week, to improve cooperation between the Hungarian and Swiss authorities. After the lecture, he met with representatives of the Zurich police and the office for trafficking and migration to discuss an improved action against pimps. Goal of improved bilateral cooperation is an increased, protected exit from the industry with a professionalized protection program for those prostitutes who want to testify against pimps. Many of the women have children, around 60% of them,  (Bracher 2013/II) and will not testify against their oppressors due to fear.

In this context, Käppner (2013) discusses the legalization of prostitution in Germany that has not led to greater protection for women, but exposed them to the more brutal reality of the free market. Prostitutes have to accept for a pittance all interested suitors: “The good intention to strengthen prostitutes by law turned into the opposite. The woman is the resource that is used as efficiently as possible. Outside this exchange transaction she loses all value.”

In addition, despite the legalization of prostitution, trafficking of women is still moving in a gray area: between so-called voluntary prostitution for economic reasons, manipulation by intermediaries and effective human trafficking, the boundaries are often blurred. The legalization of prostitution really favours the exploitation of women, even if this seems to contradict the workings of the rule of law. In this context, the question of the ethics of an economy and a society that has so uncritically internalised the mechanisms of supply and demand needs to be raised. 


  • Bracher, Katharina (2013) Ungarn fordert besseren Schutz für Roma-Prostituierte in Zürich. In: NZZ am Sonntag vom 9.6.2013.
  • Bracher, Katharina (2013/II) Angebot für Dirnen mit Kind. In: NZZ am Sonntag vom 9.6.2013.
  • Käppner, Joachim (2013) Die große Puff-Lüge. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung von 10.6.2013.