20.08.2014 Stereotypes: foreign Rroma as an uncivilized horde

Graf/Garne (2013) report on conflicts on the transit camping site of Oberwinterthur. According to the city police of Winterthur, unsustainable conditions prevail on the site: “Human faeces lie the walkway next to the landfill of Rietberg. Around the transit site for travellers, paths and the forest edge are used as outdoor toilets. Since July, complaints with the city police were frequently discussed, confirmed the deputy commander, Daniel Beckmann. For Beckmann it is obvious: “The current situation is unsustainable.” The site that cost 500,000 francs was inaugurated in the spring of 2013 with the guideline to offer space to the caravans to the Swiss travellers. Currently, the site does not meet this requirement at all, says Beckmann. Foreign Roma currently exclusively occupy the site. Swiss Travellers don’t find any space since other Roma immediately occupy every vacant parking space, he states. […] It is necessary to reinstall the initial purpose of the site and if possible without exposing oneself to the charge of discrimination.” The dispute over transit sites and longer term camping sites is a pan-Swiss problem, as there are not enough sites for all travellers by far. This problem is exacerbated due to the presence of foreign travellers, and the conflicts degenerates in racial distinctions that can’t be objectively verified: of course there are Rroma that are as described in the article, but these are not representative for all Rroma by far. Moreover, most Rroma are sedentary anyway. A priority of nationals on camping and transit sites, as also referred to by the city police commander, is not legal and would contradict international laws on equal rights. The insistence that foreign Rroma occupy “Jeniche sites” is therefore a prejudiced judgment that is not based on objective facts.

Graf, Michael/Garne, Jigme (2014) «Unhaltbare Zustände» auf dem Durchgangsplatz. In: Der Landbote online vom 15.8.2014. http://www.landbote.ch/detail/article/unhaltbare-zustaende-auf-dem-durchgangsplatz/gnews/99280218/
