20.12.2013 Duisburg and the myth of the Romany clans

Unzensuriert.at, the right-wing populist platform (2013) railed in a recent contribution against the Rroma in Duisburg. The decision of the city government that not all Rroma who are affected by a the eviction from the house to be provided alternative housing is a gradual recognition of right-wing populist demands (cf. Fischer 2013). The one-sided article is clearly in the line of the fear of foreign infiltration of and dishes out the absurd notion of mobile Rroma clans who settle on one place like a swarm of locusts: “The Socialist City Council expects that the Roma clans, if one renders them the conditions in Duisburg as uncomfortable as possible and puts them in front of the door, will then just move on as far as possible. And there is no contingency plan for homeless Roma to be implemented in Duisburg, just to give them no incentive to remain there. In future, the new Apartment Supervision Act is meant to prevent new poverty migrants from Southeast Europe to immigrate in droves.”
