Daily Archives: Mai 20, 2015

An Anti Rroma Wall between France and Belgium

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An Anti Rroma Wall between France and Belgium

The town of Watrelos in France, right on the Belgian border wants to erect a 2 ½ meter high concrete wall to “protect” its citizen from a camping site for travellers on the other side of the border in the town of Mouscron. The French press is full of several articles on this. Fact is, this is not acceptable in the 21st century in Europe. And these people are Europeans, and to a large extent citizen of Schengen states. A shame for France and for the socialist mayor to the French commune.

France: Valls wants to close all Rroma camps

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The French Prime Minister stated in an interview that all Rroma camps should be closed. He also insisted that all social measures required by the law are being applied prior such a closure and that the evicted families are followed on.

What a lie

Further Evictions in France … As usual

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Further Evictions in France … As usual

Meanwhile, evictions continue, and very few of the evicted people are re-lodged as per the directives from the Valls’ government. For example in St.-Fargeau; in Grenoble, where the eviction has been requested by the mayor; and so on…

Meanwhile, in Belgium, there are also calls to re-lodge Rroma, for example in Brussels, in Ixelles, and a bus is being used as a temporary abode for five Slovak Rroma families in Brussels.

Rroma in Strasbourg

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Rroma in Strasbourg

Viorel Costache, Rrom and president of the association PRALES (Brothers) and Gabriela Munteanu, a Romanian translator have denounced the inacceptable situation of Rroma Migrants in Strasbourg. In their press conference, they have compared the measures of the city of Strasbourg to a “modern concentration camp” for having established an enclosed camps for Rroma and are accusing the police and the authorities of a true hunt against Rroma.

We do agree with them. Please support them and join their action!
