Daily Archives: Juni 7, 2015

Appleby Horse Fair

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Appleby Horse Fair

Travellers and Rroma have gathered at the Appleby Horse fair in Cumbria, Northern England, for a horse-trading fair and a celebration of a way of life and community. Here are some pictures. This year, the fair was unfortunately overshadowed by the death of two horses during a race.

No one is a Gypsy

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No one is a Gypsy

A new book by a German historian, Wolfgang Wippermann, entitled “No one is a Gypsy” [Niemand ist ein Zigeuner] is a personal plaidoyer against prejudices and pre-conceived ideas on Rroma as well as giving an overview of their origins in the late middle ages. In this, this book is an addition to an increasing number of books on this topic such as “Europa erfindet die Zigenuer” – Europe invents the Gypsies, from Klaus-Michal Bogdal.

Italy: 9 out of 10 don’t like Rroma

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Italy: 9 out of 10 don’t like Rroma

According to a new survey, 9 out of 10 Italians have a negative view on Rroma. This is motly due to the negative image of the Rroma camps, camps, one should note, that are organised by the Italian state with the help of NGO and under police surveillance.

A shame.

Film on a Rrom who wants to become a teacher

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Film on a Rrom who wants to become a teacher

An Al-Jazeera film shows the quest of a 30 years old Rrom from a ghetto who, after a beating by the police, decides to finish high school and to become a teacher. While the story is definitively worthwhile and the man’s determination is to be really admired, the film and the article on it serves all the commonly held stereotypes. Broken families, criminality, drugs, etc. A more differentiated view is seldom presented in the press.

Rroma in Bulgaria’s Garmen are destroying illegal houses

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Rroma in Bulgaria’s Garmen are destroying illegal houses

Rroma from the Bulgarian village of Garmen, where ethnic tensions flared recently and resulted in de-facto battles between Rroma and general population, have started destroying illegal constructions in their part of the village. It is widely reported that the push by the village’s authorities to push for regularisation of the buildings was at the source of the tensions. Rroma can now regularise the situation by buying the communal land on which their houses sit. Unfortunately, it seems that event the low price is too high for most.

Bulgarian professor on the Rroma situation

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Bulgarian professor on the Rroma situation

An interview of Professor Mihail Konstantinov, mathematician and expert of elections, gives a view of the current situation and thinking of the general population on Rroma in Bulgaria. The Garmen events and their cause is put into a context of lack of education, work, and total lack of propects.


Ankara assigns a Rroma advisor to the PM

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Ankara assigns a Rroma advisor to the PM

The Turkish government named a Rroma advisor to the PM in order to further their existence, integration and to launch a series of reforms.

In view of the prevalent very negative views on Rroma in that country, and in view of such examples such as Sulukule, we hope that this will be successful.

Sulukule – One still speaks of it

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Sulukule – One still speaks of it

This time in the French Press, an article on the eviction of the Rroma from their oldest European settlement, Sulukule. Well, please excuse the ignorance of the journalist qualifying Turkish Rroma of “Gitans” …

Left-Right coalition in Austria’s Burgenland

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Left-Right coalition in Austria’s Burgenland

A coalition between the Social democratic party (SPÖ) and the extreme rightist Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) is being seen sceptically by Rroma in that region and by the head of the Cultural Association of Rroma in Austria, Rudolf Sarközi. The Freedom Party is well known for its extreme positions against foreigner and generally any minorities and Burgenland is still scarred by the events of 20 years ago where there were attacks against Rroma in Oberwarth.

Propaganda on Work in Hungary

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Propaganda on Work in Hungary

According to Hungary today, more and more Rroma have now a job in Hungary. The spokesman of human resource ministry stated that “the rate of Roma living in households categorised as “low work intensity” dropped from 48% in 2009 to 26% by 2014”

Well, never believe in statistics. This at best the result of forcing people into the so-called “Közmunka” – communal work, which is not really paid at all and which certainly doesn’t allow people a decent living. True unemployment in the countryside is unfortunately almost close to affecting all, be they Rroma or Hungarians.

France and Camps

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France and Camps

Meanwhile, not much changes in France. Same articles on illegal Rroma camps or squats, on potential expulsions such as in Ivry, where Rroma invited to a party; in the North, in Hellemmes; in St. Etienne in the Loire Region; in the Centre, in St Fargeau; or in the South West.

Meanwhile, L’obs asks the question as to whether the policies of Valls and Hollande regarding the Rroma are not actually rightist ones, and Breizh Info asks itself whether cohabitation with Rroma is possible.

In all, the French Press continues to convey a totally one-sided image of Rroma – of a minority of max. 20 thousands out of the half million Rroma living in France.
