Daily Archives: Juni 25, 2015

Italian Government wants to close the Rroma camps

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Italian Government wants to close the Rroma camps

The camps and barracks in which many Rroma live in Italy will be closed if the current initiative from the government takes hold. Rroma will be re-lodged in social apartments but will have to sign a covenant legalising their situation in Italy.

This is quite a surprising initiative, as those camps are run by the state together with NGOs and are watched over by the police which checks who comes in and out. Let’s see how this is going to be implemented.

Another Article on the rising tensions in Bulgaria

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Another Article on the rising tensions in Bulgaria

A summary of the events and latest developments in the rising tensions in Bulgaria and on the increasing instrumentalisation of Rroma among rightist parties.

Basic Racism …

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Basic Racism …

Another of these articles equating Rroma with criminals and poverty… This time on the houses where Rroma migrants are currently lodging in Berlin. No word, of course, of the fact that these are rented to them by unscrupulous owners at high prices, that poverty is prevalent, etc.

UNHCR Report: An interview of its author

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UNHCR Report: An interview of its author

Rita Iszak, the author of the UNHCR report on Rroma that investigates the situation of this minority in terms of human rights is interviewed on the report.

A worthy read!

Eric Zemour condemned

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Eric Zemour condemned

The French polemist Eric Zemour was condemned to a fine of 5’000 EUR for incitation of racial hatred. On live radio, on May 6th 2014, he said among others:

“les grandes invasions d’après la chute de Rome sont désormais remplacées par des bandes de Tchétchènes, de Roms, de Kosovars, de Maghrébins, d’Africains qui dévalisent, violentent ou dépouillent” [ The big invasions after Rome’s fall are now replaced by groups of Chechens, Roma, Kosovars, North-Africans who steal, rape, or rob.]

Meanwhile in France …

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Meanwhile in France …

In France, the summer is the season for expulsions. The reason being that the arguments that children are in school do no longer work due to the fact that the summer holidays have started.

Amnesty reports on this and the general issue of children in Ivry, and in Ris-Orangis in Evry, both near Paris. The last locality, Evry was the municipality that refused burial to a Rroma child a while back, something that is noted in Liberation as being an attack against Rroma. Other news contain the fact that Rosny and Montreuil, near Paris refuse the installation fo Rroma; that in Grenoble, on the initiative of the church and Rroma, a dinner was organised between the two communities; while in Wissous, the situation is getting tense a month after a judge ordered the expulsion.

After Sulukule , another Rroma neighbourhood being cleared

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After Sulukule , another Rroma neighbourhood being cleared

In the redevelopments launched by the AK party and affiliates, yet another historic Rroma neighbourhood from Istanbul is being razed and its inhabitants displaced to the outskirts of the city. This in spite of the courts having declared the redevelopment of Sulukule illegal – a win for the Rroma that alas came way too late.

A shame for Istanbul


– Historic Roma neighborhood latest victim of profit-oriented development. In: Sunday’s Zaman. 21.05.2015. http://www.todayszaman.com/national_historic-roma-neighborhood-latest-victim-of-profit-oriented-development_389725.html

Bulgaria ethnic tensions

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Bulgaria ethnic tensions

According to the Novinite News Agency of Bulgaria, the continuing ethnic tensions in Bulgaria show that politicians are good at doing nothing. The article gives a good summary of the issues, the views of the various groups on the Rroma situation in Bulgaria. That this has changed in recent times is unfortunate. Rroma were quite well integrated in Bulgaria.

Integration in Bulgaria

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A statement of a Bulgarian political scientist is totally off … Rroma are not a century old problem in Bulgaria. Nationalism is. Rroma lived fully integrated in Bulgaria for centuries before nationalists declared them and other minorities unwelcome.


Rroma and organised crime

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Rroma and organised crime

A report from a social research foundation in Sweden contradicts the well entrenched stereotype of Rroma living in organised crime families. According to the report, Rroma are not being trafficked into Nordic countries and are not under the influence of criminal gangs. This article focuses on newly arrived Rroma and not on the actual Nordic Rroma who have lived there since the 16th century.

UNHCR calls for more integration

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The UN rapporteur on minorities, Rita Izsak, highlighted the continuing struggle of the Rroma communities around the world and stated that more should be made to integrate and to further social inclusion.

EC sees “some progress” in Rroma integration

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EC sees “some progress” in Rroma integration

According to the European commission, EU member countries have made some progress on Rroma integration in the last year. We really do wonder where… Certainly not in Bulgaria, in Hungary, in Romania, all countries where the pendulum is swinging the other way around. And Western Europe is not much better, see France, England etc.
