Monthly Archives: Juni 2015

After Sulukule , another Rroma neighbourhood being cleared

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After Sulukule , another Rroma neighbourhood being cleared

In the redevelopments launched by the AK party and affiliates, yet another historic Rroma neighbourhood from Istanbul is being razed and its inhabitants displaced to the outskirts of the city. This in spite of the courts having declared the redevelopment of Sulukule illegal – a win for the Rroma that alas came way too late.

A shame for Istanbul


– Historic Roma neighborhood latest victim of profit-oriented development. In: Sunday’s Zaman. 21.05.2015.

Bulgaria ethnic tensions

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Bulgaria ethnic tensions

According to the Novinite News Agency of Bulgaria, the continuing ethnic tensions in Bulgaria show that politicians are good at doing nothing. The article gives a good summary of the issues, the views of the various groups on the Rroma situation in Bulgaria. That this has changed in recent times is unfortunate. Rroma were quite well integrated in Bulgaria.

Integration in Bulgaria

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A statement of a Bulgarian political scientist is totally off … Rroma are not a century old problem in Bulgaria. Nationalism is. Rroma lived fully integrated in Bulgaria for centuries before nationalists declared them and other minorities unwelcome.


Rroma and organised crime

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Rroma and organised crime

A report from a social research foundation in Sweden contradicts the well entrenched stereotype of Rroma living in organised crime families. According to the report, Rroma are not being trafficked into Nordic countries and are not under the influence of criminal gangs. This article focuses on newly arrived Rroma and not on the actual Nordic Rroma who have lived there since the 16th century.

UNHCR calls for more integration

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The UN rapporteur on minorities, Rita Izsak, highlighted the continuing struggle of the Rroma communities around the world and stated that more should be made to integrate and to further social inclusion.

EC sees “some progress” in Rroma integration

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EC sees “some progress” in Rroma integration

According to the European commission, EU member countries have made some progress on Rroma integration in the last year. We really do wonder where… Certainly not in Bulgaria, in Hungary, in Romania, all countries where the pendulum is swinging the other way around. And Western Europe is not much better, see France, England etc.

Bulgaria: Garmen tensions continue

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In the night of the 15th, a group of unknown people tried to storm the Rroma neighbourhood of Garmen. This is the latest escalation in a series of confrontations between Rroma and general population in that village. The confrontation centres on the will of the municipality to destroy “illegal” buildings, i.e. houses built without permits or landownership. This overwhelmingly affects poor Rroma.

This is dangerous, especially since there were until recently very few tensions between Rroma and the general population in that country.

How Dumb …

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How Dumb …

A report on a drug raid in Mallorca. Can we ask the dear journalist why the use of “Roma and Sinti” … Besides the fact that this is like saying Londoner and Brits, the majority of Rroma in Spain are Gitanos who call themselves either that or Cale. So if politically correct, please inform yourself.

Miskolc Authorities violated Rroma Rights

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Recent inspections by the local Miskolc authorities that can be qualified as raids against Rroma living in the North East of the city are violating the rights of the Rroma – the ombudsman in charge of minority affairs said. These raids were meant to “instil fear” among Rroma, very much in line with the recent policies of evictions of Rroma in other parts of this town.

Council of Europe condemns Hungary

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Council of Europe condemns Hungary

Hungary has been chided by the Council of Europe due to the common and open racism against the Rroma minority of Hungary. According to the report, racism is not restricted to the extreme right party Jobbik, but is commonplace in the country and in the press.

It is really bad.

Children are victims of evictions

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Children are victims of evictions

The newspaper “Le Monde” published two articles on the fate of Rroma children who live in camps are are often the victims of the forced evictions that are the norm under the current government of Valls. For the children, it often means stopping going to school and thus, another failed integration.

Integration of Rroma important to Serbia

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Integration of Rroma important to Serbia

Rroma integration will be a key aspect of the discussion of Serbia with the EU for eventual accession talks. Rroma in Serbia are often discriminated against, they are disadvantaged in the education system, and very often unemployed.

Rroma houses to be torn down near Stara Zagora in Bulgaria

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Rroma houses to be torn down near Stara Zagora in Bulgaria

The municipality of Stara Zagora is planning to tear down up to 60 buildings in the local Roma Mahala of Lozenets as the buildings are deemed illegal. This is the case for many Rroma houses in Bulgaria as land ownership is often uncertain following the fall of communism.

This destruction of houses is a source of tension in Bulgaria and has already resulted in riots. This is also a way to get rid of unwanted people. It has to be stopped and Rroma have to be given a chance to register their buildings.

First Rrom and first Yazidi in Turkish Parliament

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First Rrom and first Yazidi in Turkish Parliament

Republican People’s Party (CHP) Roma candidate Özcan Purçu and two Yazidi candidates, Feleknas Uca and Ali Atalan, from the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) were elected in the Turkish parliament. A first! Well done.

Bulgaria Kyustendil’s mayor calls a referendum – without Rroma

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Bulgaria Kyustendil’s mayor calls a referendum – without Rroma

The mayor of Bulgaria’s Kyustendil is calling a referendum to ask whether he should run for a third term. This referendum explicitly excludes Rroma from taking part, officially as there have been too many instances of vote buying from Rroma.

Shame !

Greece: Rroma stealing metal

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Greece: Rroma stealing metal

An article about Rroma risking their lives to get scrap metal from a still burning warehouse highlights the effect of the crisis on at least some of the Rroma minority in that country.

Meanwhile in France …

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Meanwhile in France …

Usual stories in France: An expulsion in Limeil; an upcoming one in Pau; the results of one in Strasbourg where some found a home whereas other did not; another back an forth in the North in Hellemmes; a police action to count Rroma in a camp near Grenoble prior to an upcoming expulsion; an the tragic death of a child in a camp in Lille following a fire. Finally, some Rroma from Montreuil, close to Paris, were present at the vote in the French assembly on the anti-discrimination law.

Appleby Horse Fair

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Appleby Horse Fair

Travellers and Rroma have gathered at the Appleby Horse fair in Cumbria, Northern England, for a horse-trading fair and a celebration of a way of life and community. Here are some pictures. This year, the fair was unfortunately overshadowed by the death of two horses during a race.