Daily Archives: Juli 18, 2015

Berlin Rroma house

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Berlin Rroma house

A further article about a “horror house” in Berlin Schöneberg. Many Rroma families live in this house and the owners have let it decay (while profiting from inflated rents). The Zentralrat of the Roma and Sinti criticised the local government for not having stepped in earlier and having let the situation escalate to the current levels.

We have to agree with them!

French Summary …

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French Summary …

As usual in the summer, the expulsions continue in France. In Marseille, where the expulsed came back and were again expulsed; in Lilles; in Chelles; in Croix; in Ivry, Aubervillers, and Ris Orangis near Paris; in Nantes; while in Hautbourdin (North) and Bordeaux, Rroma can still stay for a while; and in Grenoble, the fate of the camp is now in the hands of the justice; and finally in Roubaix, a fire destroyed a camp.

Turkey: Rroma settlements used as police training grounds

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Turkey: Rroma settlements used as police training grounds

The new Rrom parliament member Özcan Purçu has been denouncing the police violence in Rroma settlements (Mahala), which, according to Purçu, the Police is using as training grounds for their riot and crowd control division.

This has to stop. JOIN US to protest

British delegation visits Jarovnice

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British delegation visits Jarovnice

A delegation of British police officers has been visiting the Rroma settlement of Jarovnice in Eastern Slovakia to understand the issues faced by Rroma in Slovakia and the ones that they face when migrating to other countries.

Rroma Refugees: Interview with the Macedonian Rroma Minister

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Rroma Refugees: Interview with the Macedonian Rroma Minister

An interesting interview of Nezdet Mustafas, the Rroma minister without portfolio of the Macedonian government on the motivations of refugees and the situation of Rroma in Macedonia in general. To take with a grain of salt, as Mustafas is working for the ultra nationalistic current government of Macedonia.

Montpellier: Shopkeepers want to set up a vigilante group

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Montpellier: Shopkeepers want to set up a vigilante group

Shopkeepers want to set up a vigilante group to combat the Rroma who “harass” tourists and shopkeepers alike in the centre of town.

We are definitively against any such measure. There is a police and there is a law. There is no place to have vigilantes, especially when their targets are clearly defined along minorities lines.

JOIN US to protest.

Berlin: Interdiction of begging for and with children

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Berlin: Interdiction of begging for and with children

Berlin is now pondering the interdiction of begging for and with children under 14 years old. Similar measures were passed in many cities, for example in Switzerland, based on the same reason, i.e. protecting the children and avoiding exploitation of children. However, these measures do nothing to solve the inherent poverty problem which is at the core of the problem. It is not a Rroma issue, it is simply a poverty problem.

Middle East Doms

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Middle East Doms

Middle Eastern Domari are demanding their rights. The Domari are Rroma’s cousins as they are those Rroma who did not cross the Bosphorus in the 10th century and remained in the Middle East. They live in Jordania, Israel, Lebanon, and Syria. In the latter country they are the victims of increasingly sectarian violence.

4’000 Rroma expulsed in France

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4’000 Rroma expulsed in France

According Human Rights League, France expulsed nearly 4’000 Rroma from camps over the first 6 months of 2015.

One needs to bear other numbers in mind: 20’000 Rroma migrants live in such camps according to the French authorities. And there are roughly 500’000 Rroma in France. Again, there is a question of proportion: The press devotes all its news to less than a percent of Rroma overall in France!

Theatre in Dachau

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Theatre in Dachau

A theatre representation in the Munich suburbs of Dachau aims at building down stereotypes towards Rroma and Sinti. The place, Dachau, is more than symbolic, as during the Nazi times, there was a notorious concentration camp there were many German Rroma and Sinti were interned.

To watch!

Ivry: Pictures of an eviction

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Ivry: Pictures of an eviction

A series of pictures of the eviction of one of the Rroma camps that dot the outskirts of Paris.

In spite of the French focus on these camps and migrants, let’s not forget that these represent less than 20 thousand people whereas there are roughly 500 thousand Rroma in France. So a minority.

France: 5 years for shooting at burglars

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France: 5 years for shooting at burglars

René Gallinier, the retired Frenchman who shot at two teenage Rroma burglars a while back was sentenced to 5 years of prison, 4 of which on probation. As we already reported, he shot and wounded two girls who were robbing his house and his trial generated quite a buzz in the French press.

This is a mild sentence for something that easily could have resulted in a death.


Switzerland – Wallis: Warnings against Roma thieves

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Switzerland – Wallis: Warnings against Roma thieves

Totally inappropriate article which appeared a while back in a smaller paper in the Wallis region of Switzerland. It de- facto assimilates Rroma with thieves and burglars bands who will rob all houses and flats they can lay their hands on. Clearly, in the distorted mind of this journalist, these bands are also forcing their children to steal. The journalist is somehow cautious, stating that one is not sure that these bands are Rroma, but devotes a large excerpt about Rroma in general which leaves little doubt about his opinion.

PLEASE join our protests against this!

  • Dreiste banden unterwegs. In: Rhone Zeitung.26.06.2015. No longer available on the web. Copy attached.

