Daily Archives: August 10, 2015

Camps for refugees

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Camps for refugees

Bavaria is going ahead with a controversial plan to set up camps for refugees from the Balkan. These camps, especially in view of the past – Dachau was one of the first camps to be set up in Germany – and since Rroma make about a third of all Balkan refugees, leave a bitter taste.

There has to be better solutions…

Toulouse: Insertion village cancelled

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Toulouse: Insertion village cancelled

Under pressure from residents, the city of Toulouse has cancelled its attempt to open a second insertion village aimed at integrating Rroma migrants.

A pity…

Kosovo and Montenegro want to be “safe countries”

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Kosovo and Montenegro want to be “safe countries”

Kosovo and Montenegro are asking Germany to recognise them as being “safe countries”. They want to show that no one in their countries is persecuted or discriminated against. In Kosovo especially, this can only be laughed at. 80% of the Rroma population was ethnically cleansed away from the region.
