Daily Archives: September 10, 2015

Good Refugee – Bad Refugee

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Good Refugee – Bad Refugee

We like this … Well Done.

Salzburg: Begging interdiction

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Salzburg joins a series of cities forbidding begging. This measure is more of a populist move than an actual solution. How can one forbid poverty? This is actually what these cities are trying to do.

Anti-foreigner attitude is an issue in all of Germany

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The anti foreigner attitude is common in the whole of Germany according to a recent research. This attitude extends to Rroma and Sinti who are, after all often enough Germans too!


Funeral following the camp killing

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Funeral following the camp killing

In spite of all fears following the blockade of the highway, the funerals of the Rroma victims of the shooting in the North of France in Royes happened without any problems. Once again, the Hype of the press … Notice the picture !!!!

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

More of the same in France: A fire in a camp near Lyon, with wounded firemen; in Sucy, the mayor who had been accused of discrimination has been freed; in Tourcoing, Rroma are expulsed; in Lille, the expulsion order is being reviewed by a judge; in Choisy, Rroma were prevented creating a camps; in Nantes, Rroma children are enrolled in school, in spite of their upcoming eviction; and one of the young Rroma expulsed from La Courneuve is being casted in a reality show.

Education: Petitions to the Czech government

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Education: Petitions to the Czech government

Amnesty International launched a petition to the Czech government protesting the enrollment of Rroma children in schools for children with disabilities. This practice is still continuing in spite of multiple protests.



Brawl in a camp in Slovakia

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Brawl in a camp in Slovakia

Police was attacked when they went into a camp near Kosiče, in Slovakia where they were called by paramedics following a fight within the camp. This is not the first time, and follows a pattern. The Slovak police is known for its heavy handed practices as well as for its bias against Rroma.

The Wall

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The Wall

We reported about a planned wall in Wattrelos a while back. This wall that will separate the Belgian houses and garden from the French side where a transit camp for travellers is located. The Wall is going to be built in spite of several hefty protests.


Racist acts on the increase

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Racist acts on the increase

Racist acts, against Moslems, but also against Rroma are on the increase in Belgium.

How daft …

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How daft …

Xavier Bertrand, deputy mayor of Saint-Quentin in the North of France affirmed that travellers had military weapons. The former ministers wants to disarm them to prevent violence like the recent murder in a camp in the north of France.

This is definitively DAFT! But the Figaro went a step further…

While saying that no, travellers have no military weapons, it manages to say that all Rroma are stealing and dealing with stolen goods. Nice generalisation.


Blocking the A1 Highway: French reactions

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Blocking the A1 Highway: French reactions

Following Saturday’s blocking of the A1 highway by Rroma, the French Press is full of articles on that action. Stress is on why they were allowed to do so, and on the costs. The real question namely why it went that far doesn’t seem to be asked by anyone.

Travellers, Rroma, Gypsies, Tsiganes

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Travellers, Rroma, Gypsies, Tsiganes

An article in the Figaro is attempting to clarify the distinction between Travellers (Gens du Voyage in French), Rroma, and other “Tsiganes”…

While the Figaro is right to say that Traveller is a legal statute, at least in France, for the rest, the Figaro is utterly confused …

Let’s put it straight: Not all Travellers are Rroma, only a small portion of Rroma are travelling, and Rroma encompasses many different groups who often, like the Sinti prefer to use their group’s name instead of the generic Rroma one.
