Monthly Archives: September 2015

Fashion and Rroma

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Fashion and Rroma

The designer Mary Katrantzou in her latest show is inspired by Kusturica’s movie “The Time of the Gypsies”. Fine, but saying that it is a “film that demonstrates the traditional Romani culture” is WRONG AND FALSE.

It is a movie that depicts poor Rroma engaged in criminal activities. It is a film about being poor and outcast, not about cultural traits.

Italy, Mafia, and Gypsies

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Italy, Mafia, and Gypsies

The burial of a Mafia boss in Rome did make it to the press. It was outlandish, and according to the reports, this was a Sinti syndicate… Far from sure, which is why we never published anything on this at all. This article summarises the entire story and asks the right questions. This is scary!

Serbian Rroma Expulsed from Germany Denied Social Help

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According to latest news, Rroma who are expulsed from Germany and return to Serbia will be denied any social help, according to a publication from Amnesty International.

This needs to be closely monitored!

French Chronicle

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Less news in France, probably due to the refugees… In Tourcoing, in the North, Rroma are expulsed; as in Asnières near Paris; while in Lille, Rroma express their opinion on the insertion villages; and in Roubaix, also in the North, the value of a house decrease if you have Rroma neighbours…

A Rroma Family Expulsed in Grenoble

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A Rroma Family Expulsed in Grenoble

Local residents in a suburb of Grenoble, France, took justice in their own hands and expulsed a Rroma family which was squatting an abandoned house. Police condoned the act and escorted the Rroma away.

DANGEROUS … Justice should be left to the courts and police, not to the crowds.

Art Project in Slovakia

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Art Project in Slovakia

An art project in Nitra (Slovakia) is raising tensions in the town. Panels in 4 languages, including Rromanes are raising awareness of the fate of minorities and their integration. The same exhibition was slated in Budapest and cancelled after 24 hours as there are no minority issues there …

Ban on Balkan Refugees?

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Ban on Balkan Refugees?

Macedonia is saying the EU is planning a ban on Balkan refugees. This is already the case with the so-called “safe countries” but could be extended to Kosovo, Macedonia, and Montenegro. This would bar Rroma who are discriminated in those countries from seeking asylum and would also deprive the community of a mean to improve their fate in those countries. This only happens if refugees are on the EU’s door.

Argument against Compassion: A Must Read for Counterarguments

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Argument against Compassion: A Must Read for Counterarguments

Read this… Badly thought arguments, and the way against them on the refugee crisis. The paragraph on Rroma is particularly scary: The argument goes as follows: Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria have not managed to integrated their Rroma, so they cannot take on any refugees.

The right way to say it: Nationalistic policies have tried to ethnicise and segregate minorities, and these have failed. Has nothing to do with refugees, and all to do with tolerance.

Bulgaria’s Development Minister: I Will Not Resign!

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Bulgaria’s Development Minister: I Will Not Resign!

The Bulgarian Development Minister said she will not resign following calls to do so on her handling of the crisis in Garmen where houses continue to be destroyed. She says she is following the law… This is not always a good argument.

Shame on Orban Manifestation

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Shame on Orban Manifestation

During a manifestation against Orban’s policies on refugees, Jenő Setét, a Rroma activist slammed Orbán for its policies and statements on Hungary’s Rroma. Recently Orban even stated that he would not wish other countries to live with such a minority…

Migrant Crisis: Orban says there are too many Rroma

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Migrant Crisis: Orban says there are too many Rroma

Read this … Orban effectively says Hungary cannot take refugees as they have several hundred thousand Gypsies… And that he doesn’t ask anyone to live with such numbers.
Well for one, there are 800’000 according to the cogernment, and they beat the Hungarians to Europe.

– Asylum seekers get a result but it’s not over yet. In: Budapest Times. 12.09.2015.

France: Same Mobilisation for Rroma as for Refugees

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France: Same Mobilisation for Rroma as for Refugees

Several politicians are asking for a national conference to mobilise means and people for Rroma as they have been now for refugees. And the Communist Party (by the way, the one that closed the camp in la Courneuve) is asking for a regional conference to better distribute Rroma in the various towns around Paris.

Bulgaria, France … Same Combat

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Bulgaria, France … Same Combat

France was put at the same level as Bulgaria by a UN report slamming those two countries for forced evictions of Rroma.


Bulgaria and Sweden in Talks

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Bulgaria and Sweden in Talks

Bulgaria and Sweden are talking about migrants and poverty and Sweden is hoping to improve the living conditions of Rroma there.

Let’s see… Sweden’s agreement with Romania did not do much.

Garmen: Protests against Evictions

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Garmen: Protests against Evictions

Residents of the Rroma Mahala (neighbourhood) of Garmen took to the street to protest the continuing destruction of so-called “illegal” houses there.