Daily Archives: Oktober 11, 2015

Hungary: Graft among Rroma Organisations

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Hungary: Graft among Rroma Organisations

Affairs of corruption and graft in the Rroma Autonomy (Roma National Government) are raising questions about this organisation and with the Rroma leadership in Hungary. We have always maintained that this organisation was an alibi …

French Chronicle

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French Chronicle

And the by now usual chronicle in France. Actually, changes are happening. One speaks of welcoming migrants, which is new in the press. There was a mobilisation in St. Nazaire (Western France); neighbours helping refugees in the North; a consultation in Orchies in the North on Refugees; refugees being welcomed in the Rhone valley; Iraki Christians and Rroma being welcomed in a catholic parish in the North; while in Metz, Rroma briefly occupied a gym; while the police reports issues near a Rroma ghetto in Lyon.

Mythology …

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Mythology …

The French Television M6 will present a documentary on the “mystery” of the Gypsies (Sic!) who live according to their own laws… Already the title doesn’t sound good. Let’s watch.

Hungary: Rroma Prevented from Boarding

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Hungary: Rroma Prevented from Boarding

The Canadians are continuing their policy of denying Rroma boarding to flights from Hungary to Canada. All the while while they are slowly acknowledging that persecutions of this minority do exist in Hungary. Rroma NGos are asking for a refund from the airlines. With right!

SHAME on the Airlines!

Italy: Rome triples Rroma Evictions

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Italy: Rome triples Rroma Evictions

All the while the “year of mercy” is being prepared in Rome, Rroma are being evicted and shipped out at an alarming rate by the authorities.


France: It Seems that Rroma Are Not Popular

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France: It Seems that Rroma Are Not Popular

The Rroma circus. “Cirque Romanes” in Paris, seems not exactly popular in the Paris suburbs where it has been located for ages. They are the victims of thefts and depredations on a nearly daily basis.

What is going on?

Erdogan Criticises Europe on Rroma

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Erdogan Criticises Europe on Rroma

Turkey’s president criticises Europe on their handling of Rroma. He should maybe not forget that what he does with them in Turkey is not better than the worst of the Eastern European countries.


Extreme Right Candidate

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Extreme Right Candidate

The National Front for the Salvation of Bulgaria is presenting a candidate as Mayor of Sofia, the capital. This party advocates removing illegal Roma ghettos, something that is already happening in various cities in that country.
