Daily Archives: November 8, 2015

First Turkish Rroma TV

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First Turkish Rroma TV

A new Rroma TV will start broadcasting in Turkey on November 20th, aiming at changing the perceptions of the general population against Rroma. Good and necessary, as these are really bad in Turkey.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Our usual summary of what is going on in France regarding Rroma… In the North, the mayor of Wissous orders the closure of the Rroma camp; a squat where Rroma lived was closed in Bordeaux; in Creteil, Rroma living in the old buildings of the cemetarry’s undertaker have to leave; in the South, a mayor states that “not only Rroma are engaged in uncivil activities”; in Amiens, one of three escaped criminals (two Moldavians and a Rromanian) surrendered – and a commentary states “all the roads lead to Rroma” – even though nothing in the article states they are Rroma; garbage was removed from the site of a Rroma camp near Paris; in Lyon, discussions are ongoing about lodging homeless and Rroma; and finally a fire in a Rroma camps that only provoked several articles as it closed a major highway near Paris.

Girl wants to be a Doctor

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Girl wants to be a Doctor

A new campaign by Spain’s Roma Foudnation highlights a girls who wants to be a doctor. Unfortunately, the article highlights stereotypes stating that “6 out of 10” Rroma children do not complete their mandatory education … Well, would be good if they knew how many Rroma they are. 6 out of how many ???

Protests against a Mayor in Bulgaria

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Protests against a Mayor in Bulgaria

Protests against the election of a Rroma mayor in a village with a large Rroma minority are continuing in Bulgaria. Seems that if you are Rrom, you can’t be an elected official, at least in some people’s minds …

Migrants in the Austrian Voralberg

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Romanian Rroma migrants were camping in the Western part of Austria, close to the Swiss border. The authorities closed the camps and lodged the people, but went as far a suggesting of removing the children from the families … Bad memories …

Malmö: Continuing Protests over the Camp Closure

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Malmö: Continuing Protests over the Camp Closure

Protests against the closure and evacuation of roughly 100 people from a camp in Malmö are continuing. Clearly, as in France, the eviction took place, but no solution to the problem were provided …

Poverty in Sweden: Due to Rroma Migrants

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Poverty in Sweden: Due to Rroma Migrants

An article claims that poverty is returning to Sweden with the arrival or Rroma migrants. This overt poverty is forcing Sweden to re-think their welfare society, as obvioulsly, some people are not benefitting from it.

Sweden: Malmö Camp Cleared

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Sweden: Malmö Camp Cleared

Sweden seems to be following the footsteps of France and clearing Rroma migrant camps. That such a socially inclined country tolerated ghettoes for so long is already quite amazing. But a solution, it doesn’t provide. This is WINDOW DRESSING. And thanks God, some people are protesting.

Education and Rroma

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Education and Rroma

Al Jazeera published a reportage on a young Rrom from Eastern Slovakia. He believes that education is key in changing the future of Rroma.

Rroma and Homlessness

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Rroma and Homlessness

An article that highlights the fact that Rroma are not migrants per se but are increasingly being forced to be… This is a phenomenon that was historically seen in Europe, with the Sinti becoming “nomad” simply because they were not allowed to settle anywhere in Germany.


Slovakia Condemned …

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Slovakia Condemned …

Slovakia was internationally criticised for forced sterilisations, segregation in schools, brutality against Rroma etc.

Cirque Romanes: An Unwanted Neighbour

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Cirque Romanes: An Unwanted Neighbour

This circus, installed at the border of a posh Paris neighbourhood, is currently subjected to many thefts and vandalism, on average every second day. This is threatening their existence and is probably done exactly for that purpose.

