Monthly Archives: November 2015

Catch-Up: Gens du Voyage in France

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Catch-Up: Gens du Voyage in France

A summary of the news of the other “Gypsies” in France, the so-called “Gens du Voyage”. These are mostly Manouches and Sinti, but also cover groups such as Lovara, Kalderasha, and a few others as well as non Rroma groups of travellers. Here’s a digest of the news on them: A general debate on camps for travellers in France; the MRAP, an anti-racist group wants to reinforce the dualogue; in the South of France, they are forced to change camp; whether a camping stop will be allowed near Paris; the construction of such a camp near Vincennes; Watreloos, and its Wall, now from the Traveller side; a mayor disclaiming footing the electricity and water bill for travellers; a petition in the South West to close a camp; in the North, Travellers squat a unused parcel; and finally travellers being reported to poach in Brittany;

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Besides the regional elections where Rroma are increasingly being used for electoral purposes, especially in the north of France, one hears about: a camp on a construction site in Marseilles; a positive example in Gardanne where Rroma were helped to integrate; an new “insertion village” is planned near Lyon; 50 Rroma families escape an upcoming eviction in St. Denis, near Paris; the story of the wall at the French Belgian border seems to peter out; some dumb commentaries of Rroma in the context of circulation problems; and finally, some dubious National Front propositions in the North of France.

French Minister, Valeurs Actuelles, and Rroma

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French Minister, Valeurs Actuelles, and Rroma

What have Rroma, the French minister of the economy, and Valeurs Actuelles have in common? Well, Valeurs Actuelles lost its subsidies due to an article they published on Rroma, and, well, this paper’s boss is a good friend of the current minister of the economy …

The Blond Greek Gypsy Girl

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The Blond Greek Gypsy Girl

The case of the blonde Gypsy girl made the headlines a while back and resulted in a flurry of negative articles on Rroma overall – they steal children, use them for criminal purposes etc… Well, in the main case cited, the blond Gypsy girl in Greece, the parents were cleared by the law. So the press did not report on crime but rather just spread stereoptypes.

France: Minister Wants to Curb Racism in the Press

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France: Minister Wants to Curb Racism in the Press

Fleur Pellerin, France’s Culture minister wants to curb racism in the French Press, by potentially capping the state helps to the press in case of obvious bias against minorities. One of the key target is the paper “Valleurs Actuelles” who poublished a cover called “Rroma – the Overdose” a while back.

Well Done, Madame le Ministre!

Cirque Romanes … Continued …

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Cirque Romanes … Continued …

The Cirque Romanes, installed near one of the poshest Paris neighbourhood has been the victim of many thefts and attacks with the obvious aim of getting rid of them. People are now reacting. Good!