Daily Archives: Dezember 13, 2015

Romani Rose receives the Jochen Bock Price

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Romani Rose receives the Jochen Bock Price

Romani Rose, the president of the German Council of Sinti and Roma was awarded the Jochen Bock Price for 2015. This distinction is meant to recognise courage in the civil society.

Well Done!

Manifestation against Camp Closure

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Manifestation against Camp Closure

An Italian association, “July 21” is protesting the closure of a Rroma camp near Rome as part of the fight against petty criminality. One should say there that these camps – contrary to France – are run by the state, the police, and NGOs. Rroma have been parked in them for decades ….

Reduced Other French News

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Reduced Other French News

The French news are dominated by the regional elections in France where Rroma are instrumentalised by the Front National. Many articles on this topic, but little specific content beyond this fact…

Other than that, few news beyond Saint-Genis-les-Ollières. In Wissous, neighbours are furious because of the Rroma camp, complaining about noise, dirt, and rats; a cadaver was discovered in a site previously squatted by Rroma near Marseilles; one family (yes, one) happy tale in the North of France after having found a permanent housing; and finally an exhibitionist who was paying Rroma children to watch him – one of the few news with Rroma where the Rroma are not the criminals…

France: Opposition to an Integration Village

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France: Opposition to an Integration Village

The inhabitants and the mayor of the small village of Saint-Genis-les-Ollières near Lyon are continuing their opposition to an integration village (village d’insertion) for Rroma in their commune. They are now giving back their elector’s cards and the mayor’s trying a last legal recourse against this decision.

A Missed Opportunity

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A Missed Opportunity

The former French President, Nicolas Sarkozy again missed a good opportunity to remain silent. He again fumed against immigration, refugees, and Rroma.

Pity that France did not close their border in 1956… He would be playing with Orban in Hungary nowadays!

Geneva Police in Romania

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Geneva Police in Romania

The Geneva police went to investigate a case of human trafficking – a man accused to have sold his invalid son to go and beg in Geneva. As usual, stereotypes prevail. No one has so far proven that there are criminal clans engaged in begging. There are families who live from that, but this is about it. And it is not a business – not for 20 CHF per day.

Kosovo Rroma: Two families must return

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Kosovo Rroma: Two families must return

A German court in Göttingen decided that two families of Rroma from the Kosovo must return as they did not integrate in Germany.


First, the Germans recognised the ethnic cleansing of Kosovo and de-facto expulsion of all minorities, with less than 10% of the original Rroma still living there, and now, 16 years after the facts, people are sent back.


Travellers in Switzerland: They are not wanted

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Travellers in Switzerland: They are not wanted

An article about the mobilisation of the Swiss rightist party (SVP/UDC) against Rroma travellers in Martigny, in the French speaking part of Switzerland.


Documentary on Bulgarian Rroma

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Documentary on Bulgarian Rroma

A documentary on Bulgarian Rroma was shown in Bordeaux in France. It highlighted the issue of illegal buildings, a topic that was often in the press lately.

French Travellers: Backwards Traditions

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The story of a young traveller girl who was shut in for three weeks because she lost her virginity is placated in the press as a sign of the backwardness of these travellers. The point here is not that it happened, there are traditional people in every community (otherwise, there wouldn’t have been so many people in France manifesting for “traditional” families), the point is that it is not descriptive of all Rroma …

Rroma Inclusion in Italy

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Rroma Inclusion in Italy

Very few Italian cities and regions respect the law regarding the establishment of round tables for the integration of Rroma. The city of Rome recently finally created such an instrument.

Late, and let’s see if it brings anything.

Gens Du Voyage in France: Unwanted

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Gens Du Voyage in France: Unwanted

Besides being criminals (see other post), Gens du Voyage – travellers, are also unwanted in France. People don’t want them near them for sure. This term usually covers Manouches, Sinti, and Lovara and Kaldersasha who are at home in France besides non-Rroma groups of travellers.

Gens du Voyage in France … Part One: CRIME

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Gens du Voyage in France … Part One: CRIME

Usual press coverage on travellers in France: Basically, they are all thieves and criminals (more than 15 articles); and they are not wanted – see other article!

Thames Valley UK Police and Rroma

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Thames Valley UK Police and Rroma

The Thames Valley Police has been criticised in a report about their policies towards Gypsies, Rroma, and Travellers. This police force already made headlines as some of its officers posted racist comment on a Facebook page.

  • Thames Valley Police change their Gypsy, Roma and Traveller policies. In: OneMK. 01.12.2015.
  • Thames Valley Police ‘must improve traveller and Gypsy data’. In: BBC News. 01.12.2015. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-34975680