Daily Archives: Januar 10, 2016

No Racism???

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No Racism???

Not acceptable. Gilles Bourdouleix’ condemnation for racism for having said that “Hitler probably did not kill enough of them” has been slashed. The reasoning from the judges is quite special: He did not intend these words to be made public… But he told them, so he is certainly racist.


France; Saint-Genis-les-Ollières – again

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France; Saint-Genis-les-Ollières – again

In spite of protests by the mayor and by the town’s residents, the French state ordered the continuation of the works for the so-called insertion village for Rroma. The opposition of the residents is totally overblown and shows what people actually think about Rroma in France.

Gens du Voyage

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Gens du Voyage

Sans commentaires – without commentaries.

The news on travellers in France (gens du voyage) is as usual dominated by opposition and issues with their camps, and of course criminality. The number of articles says it all (and it is only a sample).




Germany Expulsions: a Rroma View

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Germany Expulsions: a Rroma View

An interview of Kenan Emini, president of the Roma anti-discrimination Network Göttigen on the forced repatriation of Rroma to so-called sagfe countries such as Kosovo.

Italian Rroma Camps

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Italian Rroma Camps

An article on a Study of the Italian Association “July 21” on what it means living in camps for Rroma in Italy. In that country, these camps are institutionalised and the police, the authorities and NGOs all maintain this status quo.


Racist Statements

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Racist Statements

A new book by Tanja Kambouri in Germany, entitled “Deutschland im Blaulicht. Notruf einer Polizistin” [Germany in blue light. Emergency calls of a policewoman], contains statements that are simply not acceptable. The book states for example that “Sinti und Roma sind meist Großfamilien mit fehlender Bereitschaft, sich zu integrieren” [Most Sinti and Roma are large families that show no readiness to integrate].

SIMPLY NOT ACCEPTABLE … This shows a clear lack of understanding of the Rroma minority and clear racist prejudices.

Valeurs Actuelles: Verdict Confirmed!

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Valeurs Actuelles: Verdict Confirmed!

The French magazine Valeurs Actuelles and its redactor in chief, Yves de Kerdrel, have been condemned in appeal to a fine of 2’000 Euro for “incitation to racial hatred” and racism following their editiorial “ “Roma – the overdose”.

Well done!

Racist Statements in Berlin

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A study presented by the authorities and experts see an increase of parallel justice in Berlin and state that this creates a climate of fear. This is fine and good. But …

Professor Mathias Rohe, main author of the study states that “Man findet solche Strukturen häufig auch bei Sinti und Roma sowie in mafiös organisierten Gruppen”[one finds such structures also among Sinti and Roma as well as in mafia-like organised groups] – referring to parallel justice etc.

This is simply NOT ACCEPTABLE!
