Daily Archives: April 10, 2016

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

In spite of some positive coverage due to the international Rroma day, this week’s French chronicle is not particularly nice. First, an intervention of the police in a Rroma camp near the prison of Loos in the North of France, an attempt to remove the Rroma from this camp; in the North, two families are expulsed; toilets are awaited in a camp near la Rochelle in the West of France; a new camping spot for travelers is installed near Paris in the bois de Vioncennes; near Paris, the arrival of Rroma is problematic; the Seine’s banks are being cleaned near a former Rroma camp; and news about a gang of thieves who stole tools near Dijon.

On a more positive note, a French Radio broadcasted for a day from a Rroma ghetto in Paris; and a positive action in the North of France!

International Rroma Day: French Coverage

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International Rroma Day: French Coverage

A few articles and calls for action in France in the context of the International Rroma Day.

Budapest – Stereotypes and Rromnja

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Budapest – Stereotypes and Rromnja

Rroma women in Budapest are cooking against discrimination and stereotypes! A new restaurant in Budapest serves traditional Rroma food.

A good Idea, and a nice article for a change.

Lead Poisoning in Kosovo

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Lead Poisoning in Kosovo

Hundred of displaced Rroma in Kosovo were forced to live in a camp build on a toxic wasteland. They should be compensated according to the UN.

Late …. But better than never.

International Rroma Day

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International Rroma Day

Some articles on the International Rroma Day yesterday from Hungary, Slovakia, and Serbia.

Berlin and Begging

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The myth of organized begging – a mafia like organization… Real studies like the one in Lausanne in Switzerland have shown that these are sinly larger families or friends from a single viallage who come in the hope of work and end up begging to make end meet. Average income is so low that organized crime doesn’t pay here.

Sports and Slurs

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Sports and Slurs

Last time it was a football player, this time a tennis one. The sult is the same “Gypsy Sh*t” … When will sports start condemning these kinds of statements more seriously?

Pollak again

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Pollak again

A review and views on the work of Peter Pollak and his impact on Rroma issues. This highlights also the fact that a single Rrom in a parliament is bound to face issues and be seen as failing, and also that there are many established institutions who prefer “their” Rroma reality to the hard facts …

Hard job, long term, and impossible hurdles.


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An article about these little stones that commemorate victims of the Holocaust in several countries (there are by now 48’000 of these). The sculptor Gunter Demnig had the idea on the 50th anniversary of Himmler’s edict on the deportation of Roma and Sinti. Strangely enough, Minich still bans these stones …

Slovakia: Pollak Resigns

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Slovakia: Pollak Resigns

The government proxy for Rroma affairs, Peter Pollak resigned from his pots on April 4th. Pollak was very much engaged in improving the situation for Rroma in Slovakia, he himself running a school in Jarovnice.

A successor will be nominated by the Most-Hid coalition.

French Journalists Trying to Understand Rroma

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French Journalists Trying to Understand Rroma

A few French journalists from the Bourgogne region went to Romania to try to understand a bit more about Rroma… If only they would open up on the fact that Romanian Rroma are not necessarily representative of the entire community …

Camps near Rome

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Camps near Rome

An article about the shanty towns and camps near and around Rome where where one estimates that 8’000 people live, a large majority of them Rroma from former Yugoslavia and from Romania but also Italians and South Americans.
