Monthly Archives: April 2016

Science Fiction …

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A Hungarian Fidesz MP speaks of a multi-cultural society in Hungary. What a joke, this is not what they say in Hungary itself. Rroma, Jews, Moslems, refugees, foreigners, all are unwelcome … He says it, the future of Europe depends on European families. And guess what, Jews, Rroma, and Moslems are not European, at least in his eyes.

Not surprising, this is Breizh Info of brown repute…

Garbage …

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Garbage …

A story of Rroma “selling” their daughter to another family in Spain. In fact, a tradition of arranged marriages found among Vlax (originally Romanian Rroma) dating back to slavery. You had to pay the owner of the girl to have her go with the husbands family.

BAD … Usual stereotypes without any thoughts.

Romania and Holocaust

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The Elie Wiesel Institute condemned the nomination of a Romanian journalist, Oana Stanciulescu, to the board of national television. She condemned the law that makes it a criminal offence to deny the Holocaust. Jews and Rroma were victims of the Holocaust in Romania…

No Comment.

French Chronicle

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French Chronicle

Few news again in France this week. Whenever there are hot news, Rroma fall back. Actually they should stay back, as what is reported in the press is no news, just prejudices.

This week, a child died in a Rroma camp in the North of France; a fire raged through a Rroma camp in Paris; the arrival of Rroma travelers near Paris is seen as a threat by some; in Marseilles, a Rroma camp is a hot topic, and near Paris, 10 tons of garbage have been collected near sites where Rroma were. Them, there is crime … A young Rrom sexually aggressed his sister in law in the North, and near Grenoble, Rroma were caught emptying the tank of a truck.

Finally, some solidarity! An association in the South helps refugees and Rroma; in the North, an old priest and activist also does so, and in the North too, youngsters start an action to sensitize the population.

Of Romanians and Rroma

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Of Romanians and Rroma

An article by a UK tabloid on Romanian and Rroma … Oh well, what could one expect. Sterotypes. The first sentence says all about the prejudices …

“So, the good news, I tell the first Romanian I interview, is that a British newspaper wants to print a story about Rumänien that isn’t about immigrants stealing their jobs or Gypsy beggars getting their teeth fixed free on the NHS.”


Italy: European Court Stops Eviction

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Italy: European Court Stops Eviction

With an emergency measure, the European Court of Human Rights, adopting an emergency measure, ordered the Italian Government not to proceed with the eviction of a disabled Rromni and her daughter from the former paper mill in via Salaria, in Rome, as set out in recent weeks by the Administration Capitoline.


Hungary: Forgotten People

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Hungary: Forgotten People

A project and a documentary on the situation of poor Hungarians outside of the capital. Unemployed poor people are often equated with Rroma in this country. Truth is, in the countryside, may have no jobs, not only Rroma.

Nice but Wrong

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Nice but Wrong

An article that is positively inclined about Rroma, but which is factually wrong… Yes Rroma had skilled jobs in the Ottoman Empire, but no, a “Vitsa” is not a tribe, it is a lineage – and this exclusively amongst Vlax Rroma. Rroma are not nomadic, no more than the Germans who travelled trough all of Europe in the 4th century.

Would be nice when writing about Rroma to do some basic research …

Slovakia: Protests against Kotleba

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Slovakia: Protests against Kotleba

Two Slovak MPs wore badges that looked similar to the yellow star worn by Jews during Nazi times to remind the country and protest against the party of Kotleba who is extreme right and pro-WWII Slovak leader. This party is extreme in its views of Rroma.

Racism in Germany

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Racism in Germany

Two articles on Racism in Germany and on the fact that Rroma are the losers of this debate – unfortunately.

Tula, again …

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Tula, again …

The village in which the fights between police and Rroma occurred last week in the Tula region of Russia are still cordoned and checked by the police… Beoing on the “wrong” side in Russia is not the best thing.

International Romani Union on Camps in Italy

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International Romani Union on Camps in Italy

The current president of the International Romani Union, Normunds Rudevics wrote a letter to the Italian authorities protesting the planned evacuation of a camp with 35 Rroma families near Rome.

Gens du Voyage …

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Gens du Voyage …

The lack of news on Rroma in France is more than compensated by the number of articles on the Gens du Voyage – Travellerr, who are represented as criminals, undesirable, and generally as not integrated.

First, news about several camps of Travellers, in Saint Laurent de Mure, in Argentan, near Verdun, near Reims, close to Paris and in the West; and several discussions on or about camping spot for travellers in Niort, in Perros, in Indres et Loire, in the North, in Samois, in the park of a castle; and finally two more positive things – an interpellation of a minister in the parliament, and a discussion about the sedentarisation in Limoges.

After the camps, crime … And there the list is long. Police hunted away from a camp in Vernouillet near Paris; arrests in Toulouse and investigation nearby; some stolen goods found in the South West; 22 cars damaged near Toulouse; shots in a camp near Paris; three Romanians condemned in the South East; a Rrom sentenced for having shown a fingers to Valls; Police searching for witnesses in a series of burglaries in the North; and finally, a not so clever thief…