Daily Archives: Juni 9, 2016

French Chronicle

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French Chronicle

After a pause due to Easter (not in France – on the redaction side), a further French chronicle. Actually very quiet, as this is the season where expulsions are the norm.

In Annet sur Marne, judges ordered the expulsion of the Rroma camp; in Roubaix, the decision of the judges is still reported, and the future of that particular camp is still in the cards; in Lens, a collective supporting Rroma is asking for financial support; a manifestation for supporting Rroma attracted less than 50 people, BAD; a young Rrom was electrocuted while playing in a squat; in Saint Denis, north of Paris, residents protested against illegal vendors and Rroma by organizing a market on the street; and finally, a positive note in the North of France on social lodgins and so-called insertions villages.

Geneva: Two Rroma Condemned for Human Trafficking

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Geneva: Two Rroma Condemned for Human Trafficking

In Geneva, two Rroma were condemned to prison for having exploited a mentally handicapped kid, most probably Rrom, whose parents rented him out to the couple in Geneva.

Bad that it happened, WORSE, it strengthen stereotypes that Rroma are trafficking humans, involved in begging clans etc. This is purely a case of few destitute individuals …

Poland – Gdansk: Pogroms

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Football hooligans in Gdansk attacked a Rroma compound close to the football stadium in Gdansk. The police, in spite of warnings did not intervene at all. That football hooligans are often closet Nazis is an unfortunate fact, but that the police doesn’t do a thing, is not acceptable.

Italy: Reality and Coverage

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Italy: Reality and Coverage

An article on Rroma in Italy. Well done, it states the correct facts, and the reality. According to the article, there are approximately “180,000 Roma and Sinti […] currently living in our country. In fact, most of them live, work and lead a normal life while, according to the association July 21, about 35,000 live in emergency housing, and nearly 20,000 of them in formal settlements. This is basically 0.06% on the Italian population (tiny percentage compared to the media coverage)”

A good Read!

Teenage Pregnancy in Romania

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Teenage Pregnancy in Romania

A reportage on teenage pregnancies in Romania, and its inevitable conclusion that it affects many Rroma. While it is true that many young Rroma have children early (very early), ethnicity may not be the root cause.

No sexual education, no contraception are available in the countryside, and in addition, several of the free churches that are active in those regions are adamantly against both, resulting in a new phenomenon of large families among traditionally small Rroma ones.

Bulgaria: Monitoring Integration

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Bulgaria: Monitoring Integration

The Bulgarian government approved a report monitoring the progress of Rroma integration in 2015… Would be curious to see it, as the situation has declined severely for Rroma in that country.

Glasgow – a school full of Rroma

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Glasgow – a school full of Rroma

The fate of a school in Glasgow where almost none of the 222 enrolled children speaks English and where the majority of them (181) are Rroma children from Slovakia and Romania makes the headlines in the UK.

While the Times is relatively neutral, the Daily Mail and others are really rabid. Rroma are being used to influence the vote in June, no doubt.

Radnevo in Bulgaria

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Radnevo in Bulgaria

More on the clashes between the police and anti-Rroma protesters following an alleged attack by Rroma on non-Rroma in that city.

Dangerous and SHAME!

Exhibition on Rroma Holocaust

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Exhibition on Rroma Holocaust

An exhibition on the Holocaust of Rroma in Bohemia and other Czech lands is opening this week. Good one speaks about it, as the Czech lands were nearly totally cleaned of Rroma in World War Two. And not all by German Nazis, by far not.
