Daily Archives: Juni 10, 2016

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Surprisingly positive chronicle this week in the French press. Yes there were a few expulsions – mostly travelers, the odd criminal case, but the bulk of articles this week was more on integration and insertion.

First, two articles from Libération, one on the so-called insertion village near Lyon where Rroma are housed and helped to integrate and in the second case, about a young Rrom who now goes to school; then a meeting against “Rromophobia” in Orléans, in Western France and a conference on Rroma in Brittany which will take place in June; an article on the Rroma resistance day; and finally a view on discrimination presented by its young victims.

Then, the more standard things: Expulsions of travelers (note that now one starts speaking about Rroma in this context) in Western France, near Paris, and in Grenoble; and the arrest of two Rroma thieves near Paris.

Lety again …

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Lety again …

Czech activists have asked the EU to stop subsidies to the pig farm that is located on the site of the former concentration camp for Rroma of Lety, in the Czech Republic. The closure of that farm has been requested numerous times in the last 20 years.

Let’s make it happen!

Czech Republic: Holocaust Survivors Disagree with Anti-Refugee Sentiment

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Czech Republic: Holocaust Survivors Disagree with Anti-Refugee Sentiment

Czech Holocaust Rroma survivors and relative of the victims disagree with the anti-refugee sentiment that is prevalent in that country.

Read the speech!

Hessen, Germany: Graves of Rroma

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The Hessen Government in Germany wants to protect the graves of persecuted Rroma and Sinti. This follows a move of several other Laender in Germany who insisted that these graves need to be preserved.

Good, and may they rest in peace at last.

Bulgaria: Garmen again

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Bulgaria: Garmen again

Residents of Garmen, Bulgaria renewed their protests at “illegal” Rroma houses. Last time this occurred, this resulted in a several manifestations, assaults, and in a plethora of racist articles and statements.

This needs to be followed.

Crime Boss in Denmark

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Crime Boss in Denmark

A crime boss who happens to be also a Rrom from Croatia can stay in Denmark. He is a criminal and claims to be the boss of Rroma in that country.

Well, as one says in the Balkans, he was under the bridge. And he is a criminal and should be treated as such. Ethnicity has lost nothing here.

Canada: Hungarian Rroma will not Deport

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Canada: Hungarian Rroma will not Deport

A Hungarian Rroma family in Canada has won a reprieve. They will not be expulsed. Good, and let’s hope they can stay!
