Monthly Archives: Juli 2016

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

With Football, and with France in the final, there are very few news about Rroma in the Press. Nevertheless, a few items warrant some attention…

Near Paris, children from an illegal camp celebrate the end of the school year; a camp is closed near Paris in St. Denis; Rroma left a camp by themselves in the North; in the Marne region, displaced Rroma are squatting a construction site, hindering work; in Nancy, in the East, tensions are increasing between Rroma and their neighbours; in Lens, in the North, Rroma associations are protesting the inaction of the state; an article about Rroma in Marseilles and their future between two expulsions; and finally, the Council of Europe denounces the human cost of expulsions.


Czech Republic: Hate Posts on Facebook

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Czech Republic: Hate Posts on Facebook

A complaint has been filed by Rroma activists against a page in Facebook and against the person who posted the comments for requesting that “gypsies be set on fire”…

Hungary: Situation Improved

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Hungary: Situation Improved

What a joke … According to Mr. Zoltan Balog, the Hungarian minister for Human Resources, the situation of Rroma improved over the last two years in Hungary. Specifically, 50’000 Rroma have found new jobs. What he forgets to say is that these jobs are in the so-called Közmunka – or mandatory work scheme that replaced social care.

This is total BS…

Zurich: Fahrendes Kultur Zentrum

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Zurich: Fahrendes Kultur Zentrum

As every year, the so-called Travelling Culture Centre of Jenische, Sinti and Rroma stopped in Zurich. With a moving exhibition, a few caravans and some music, the centre aims to present the culture of travellers in Switzerland, mostly the Jenische, but to a lesser extent some of the Sinti and Rroma in that country.

Documentary of the last Travellers

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An Austrian documentary on the last travellers. Lots of clichés, and it as usual gives a wrong impression on Rroma overall…

Hitler’s Olympics

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Hitler’s Olympics

A new documentary on Hitler’s Olympics and on the fact that prior to them, in early July, all Sinti from Berlin were deported the a camp in Marzahn, a prelude to what would happen next…

Italy: More on Corruption and Rroma Camps

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Italy: More on Corruption and Rroma Camps

Policemen sharing bribes with the Rroma head of a camp in charge of allocating housing units is yet another example of the blatant corruption that keeps the camps in Italy going. Better close them once and for all.

More on Racism in Switzerland

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More on Racism in Switzerland

The statement of the Swiss politician Jürg Michel from the rightist SVP whereby one can “recognise Gypsies with one’s nose” is earning him a few complaints. The Jenische organisations, the young socialists, the Gesselschaft für bedrohte Völker, and the Rroma Foundation have all deposited complaints with the police for blatant racism. The politician is defending himself saying he is defending minorities …

No further comments.

Italy: Masseria del Pozzo

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The Italian camp of Masseria del Pozzo was evacuated by the police and 75 Rroma families are in need of lodgings, as nothing was prepared for them following the eviction. Amnesty appeals for Help!

Regensburg: Rroma Occupy Cathedral

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Regensburg: Rroma Occupy Cathedral

Around 40 Rroma are currently occupying the cathedral of Regensburgas a protest against Germany’s declaration of all Balkan countries as being safe, which of course, in many case they are not for Rroma. They are fighting a wave of depurations. One article is neutral, but the article of Breitbart is totally extreme rightist. Bad.

The Church has asked the police not to intervene. GOOD!

Travelling Rroma in Switzerland

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Travelling Rroma in Switzerland

Yet another article about a possible camping site for travelling Rroma in Switzerland. Note that Switzerland actually segregates in many places and only allows local travellers on many sites. The rest of the article, oh, well, no comments…

Racism in Switzerland

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Racism in Switzerland

A Jenische organisation, Schäft Qwant, issued a formal complaint against a politician from the right wing SVP party for racism. The politician from Lyss stated for example “if one doesn’t recognise by sight, then one does with one’s nose” …

No comments, and let’s hope this doesn’t fall under “freedom of expression” as it often does in Switzerland.

School Segregation in Hungary

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School Segregation in Hungary

Hungary is fast approaching the deadline of its response to the European Commission letter on the segregation of Rroma in schools. The government is procrastinating… Janos Lazar, a prominent member of the government went as far as saying he has “no idea how the European Commission knows who is and isn’t a gypsy”. Well, if he ever set his foot in a village, and went to a school, he’d know.

Elie Wiesel on Romania

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Elie Wiesel on Romania

Elie Wiesel, who just died, urged his native Romania to confront its past and acknowledge the deportation of Jews and Rroma from Romania. What this article misses, ist that most Rroma were not deported to camps but displaced to Transnistria n the North East where an unknown number died of hunger and illnesses.

Italy’s Infamous Rroma Camps

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Italy’s Infamous Rroma Camps

An article about life inside one of these Rroma camps in Italy. One thing is somewhat missed here: Rroma are still being kept in those camps by an alliance between the State administration, the police and NGOs who are all present there. And the latest arrests in Rome have shown that the mafia hugely profited from these camps too. The comparison to Auschwitz is very much not the right one here.

Olympics 1936

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Olympics 1936

Very shortly before the Berlin Olympics in 1936, on July 16th, 1936, the first Sinti from Berlin were arrested by the police and led to the Berlin Marzahn camp. An exhibition now remembers these victims on the very spot where they were first interned.