Daily Archives: Oktober 1, 2016

Czech Republic: Dance Festival

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A Rroma dance festival took place in Česka Lipa, Czech Republic. 200 young Rroma danced to various tunes, showing their skills and the fact that they haven’t lost their old dancing traditions- Festival romského tance ukázal, že mladí stále umějí držet traduce. In: Denik. 29.09.2016. http://www.denik.cz/liberecky-kraj/festival-romskeho-tance-ukazal-ze-mladi-stale-umeji-drzet-tradice-20160928.html [link-preview url=”http://www.denik.cz/liberecky-kraj/festival-romskeho-tance-ukazal-ze-mladi-stale-umeji-drzet-tradice-20160928.html”]

Italy: Protests in Milan

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Rroma have been protesting in Milan the closure of a social emergency centre in the city that has been helping Rroma migrants in the city.No replacement and no integration strategy has been put in place by the authorities.- Rom, il polo di via Lombroso verso la chiusura. In: Il Giorno. 01.10.2016. http://www.ilgiorno.it/milano/cronaca/via-lombroso-rom-1.2557247 [link-preview url=”http://www.ilgiorno.it/milano/cronaca/via-lombroso-rom-1.2557247″]

Austria: Rroma Dialog Online

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The Austrian government is asking all Rroma to answer questions to housing, social issues, work and is setting up a platform where the government can dialogue with Rroma.- Roma sollen ihre Zukunft online diskutieren. In: Der Standart. 28.09.2016. http://derstandard.at/2000045060449/Roma-sollen-Zukunft-der-Volksgruppe-online-diskutieren- https://www.romadialogplattform.gv.at/romadialog/de/home [link-preview url=”http://derstandard.at/2000045060449/Roma-sollen-Zukunft-der-Volksgruppe-online-diskutieren-“]

Babi Yar

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Germany’s president visited Babi Yar on the anniversary of the start of the massacre.
After this initial shooting of Jews, many Rroma were also executed there.
May they all rest in peace.

– Babyn Yar: Germany remembers victims. In: DW. 29.09.2016. http://www.dw.com/en/babyn-yar-germany-remembers-victims/a-35927209 [link-preview url=”http://www.dw.com/en/babyn-yar-germany-remembers-victims/a-35927209″]
