Daily Archives: Oktober 6, 2016

Training on Human Rights and Anti-Tsiganism

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The council of Europe is inviting young people to apply to a regional training on combatting anti-Tisganism though human rights to be held in Odessa, in the Ukraine.
Frankly, teaching people about their human rights when their legal rights are not even respected is, at least in our minds, not the best way to fight discrimination. We’ve seen that in several countries.
Let’s hope …

– Apply now: human rights education for youth to battle Roma discrimination. In: Euro East. 05.10.2016. http://enpi-info.eu/eastportal/news/latest/46692/Apply-now:-human-rights-education-for-youth-to-battle-Roma-discrimination

Roma: 5 Stars and Rroma Camps

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The new 5 Stars Mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi, had promised to close the Rroma camps that surround the capital and which are financed by the city (with lots of corruption …).
Instead, the city has just put out a new tender for a new camp to be built for 12 Mio Euro.
SHAME and broken promises.

– Roma, la Raggi spende 12 milioni per i campi rom. In: Il Giornale. 05.10.2016. http://www.ilgiornale.it/news/politica/roma-raggi-spende-12-milioni-i-campi-rom-1314896.html
