Daily Archives: Oktober 9, 2016

Germany, Bulgaria, and Prostitution

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The story of a Bulgarian Rromni forced into prostitution by Bulgarian men – ethnicity not specified. Sad but this unfortunately happens. Let’s hope the men will be condemned appropriately.

– 19-Jährige flüchtet aus Zwangsprostitution. In: LZ.de. 08.10.2016. http://www.lz.de/lippe/detmold/20940910_19-Jaehrige-fluechtet-aus-Zwangsprostitution.html [link-preview url=”http://www.lz.de/lippe/detmold/20940910_19-Jaehrige-fluechtet-aus-Zwangsprostitution.html”]

Slovakia: The Origins of Racism

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An article on the origins of the current racism in Slovakia, which, according to the author can be traced to the “Shock therapy after the fall of the Iron Curtain” which brought “Slovakia capitalism without its natural development, which often lasted even 100 years” resulting in a “real capitalism without the bourgeoisie, without intellectual elite that would have supported it.” The author also goes back further to the fact that Slovakia was built on the remnants of the Austrian Hungarian Empire, but forgetting that the policies of exclusion and racism were started under that regime in the 18th century.

– Pôvody rasizmu a šovinizmu na Slovensku. In: Dennik. 06.10.2016. https://dennikn.sk/blog/povody-rasizmu-a-sovinizmu-na-slovensku/ [link-preview url=””]

Kosovo: The Forgotten Rroma

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An article about the forgotten victims of the Kosovo War: the Rroma. This time about the Rroma refugees in Montenegro.
As a reminder, there are currently less than 10% of the Rroma in Kosovo than the country had before the war.

– Les Roms, oubliés de la guerre du Kosovo. In: Ouest France. 05.10.2016. http://www.ouest-france.fr/europe/kosovo/les-roms-oublies-de-la-guerre-du-kosovo-4535226 [link-preview url=”http://www.ouest-france.fr/europe/kosovo/les-roms-oublies-de-la-guerre-du-kosovo-4535226″]

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In France, more of the same but this week with many news about criminality: Montreuil again, with the Rroma being evicted yet another time; in Ivry, near Paris, the story of Rroma being on the way to integration; in Western France, expulsed Rroma will be relocated; also in the West, associations fear the impact of the winter on Rroma; in Roubaix, in the North, 40 Rroma were expulsed; then an article on how to help young Rroma to get into school. Then Rroma passing themselves as Syrian Refugees; Rroma stopping cars and banging on windows to ask for money; and finally, a young Rom condemned for the rape of an English tourist.

– Montreuil : les familles roms évacuées de la place Jean-Jaurès. In: Le Parisien. 03.10.2016. http://www.leparisien.fr/montreuil-93100/montreuil-les-familles-roms-evacuees-de-la-place-jean-jaures-03-10-2016-6172551.php
– Montreuil. Familles Roms expulsées : vive l’égalité ! In: Mediapart. 08.10.2016. https://blogs.mediapart.fr/juliette-keating/blog/081016/montreuil-familles-roms-expulsees-vive-legalite
– Montreuil ou l’irresponsabilité des responsables politiques. In: Mediapart. 06.10.2016. https://blogs.mediapart.fr/juliette-keating/blog/061016/montreuil-ou-lirresponsabilite-des-responsables-politiques
– Ivry : les familles Roms du camp Truillot sur le chemin de la reinsertion. In: Le Parisien. 04.10.2016. http://www.leparisien.fr/ivry-sur-seine-94200/ivry-les-familles-roms-du-camp-truillot-sur-le-chemin-de-la-reinsertion-04-10-2016-6175349.php
– Les familles roms seront relogées au Pont-des-Marais, à Treillières. In: Ouest France. 04.10.2016. http://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/nantes-44000/les-familles-roms-seront-relogees-au-pont-des-marais-treillieres-4535386
– A Indre, l’association Romsi redoute l’hiver pour les Roms. In: Ouest France. 06.10.2016. http://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/nantes-44000/indre-l-association-romsi-redoute-l-hiver-pour-les-roms-4540140
– Une quarantaine de Roms qui squattaient une maison expulsés ce matin. In: La Voix du Nord. 07.10.;2016. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/55892/article/2016-10-07/une-quarantaine-de-roms-qui-squattaient-une-maison-expulses-ce-matin
– Comment améliorer la scolarisation des jeunes roms ? In: Respect Mag. 08.10.2016. http://www.respectmag.com/24336-comment-ameliorer-la-scolarisation-des-jeunes-roms
– ARNAQUE : DES ROMS SE FONT PASSER POUR DE FAUX RÉFUGIÉS SYRIENS. In: Minute News. 04.10.2016. http://www.minutenews.fr/actualite/societe/arnaque-roms-se-passer-de-faux-refugies-syriens-184239.html
– Paris : ces arnaques pratiquées par les Roms dans la rue. In: Planet.fr. 03.10.2016. http://www.planet.fr/societe-paris-ces-arnaques-pratiquees-par-les-roms-dans-la-capitale.1194856.29336.html
– Des “Roms” ont intercepté des voitures dans l’Oesling. In: 5 Minutes.lu. 06.10.2016. http://5minutes.rtl.lu/grande-region/laune/963277.html
Cergy-le-Haut : jugés pour le viol d’une jeune Anglaise dans le RER A. In: Le Parisien. 05.10.2016. http://www.leparisien.fr/ableiges-95450/cergy-le-haut-juges-pour-le-viol-d-une-jeune-anglaise-dans-le-rer-a-05-10-2016-6178345.php [link-preview url=”http://www.leparisien.fr/montreuil-93100/montreuil-les-familles-roms-evacuees-de-la-place-jean-jaures-03-10-2016-6172551.php”]
