Daily Archives: Oktober 14, 2016

EU and Rroma

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Vera Jourova, the President of the European Commission (EC) for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality, said that Europe can ill afford not to use the potential of young Rroma and definitively cannot afford to loose yet another generation.
Let’s hope this is more than workds.

– JOUROVÁ: Európa si nemôže dovoliť nevyužiť potenciál mladých romov. In: Info.sk. 10.10.2016. http://www.info.sk/sprava/121801/jourova-europa-si-nemoze-dovolit-nevyuzit-potencial-mladych-romov/

Slovakia: Government Wants to Reduce Rroma in Special Schools

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The Slovak Government wants to reduce the number of Rroma children in special schools and to this end is focusing on pre-school training.
We hope this will works, as in Slovakia (and in the Czech Republic and Hungary) putting Rroma children in special schools is almost the norm.

– Vláda chce znížiť počet Rómov v špeciálnych školách. In: TA3. 10.10.2016. http://www.ta3.com/clanok/1092332/vlada-chce-znizit-pocet-romov-v-specialnych-skolach.html
