Daily Archives: Oktober 15, 2016

France: Rroma Children Denied School

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According to French NGOs, nearly 9’000 children live in France in Rroma camps (roughly 25’000 people in total – out of probably 500’000 to 750’000 Rroma in that country) and are being denied the most basic right of the French Republic, namely the right to attend school.
Shame on France.

– En France, les enfants Roms privés d’école. In: France Culture. 11.10.2016. http://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/le-choix-de-la-redaction/en-france-les-enfants-roms-prives-decole [link-preview url=”http://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/le-choix-de-la-redaction/en-france-les-enfants-roms-prives-decole”]

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The Slovakian Village of Spišský Hrhov was awarded the European Roma Spirit Award 2016 in the category of village and city. It is the first time that such an award aimed at inclusion and integration has been given to a village or town in Slovakia. Maybe something is changing?

– Spišský Hrhov získal medzinárodnú cenu za riešenie problémov Rómov. In: Korzár Spiš. 12.10.2016. http://spis.korzar.sme.sk/c/20353123/spissky-hrhov-ziskal-medzinarodne-ocenenie-za-riesenie-problemov-romov.html#ixzz4N8kQePG5

Hate Speech and Comics

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Comics have a strong influence on stereotype and prejudices, especially in the case of minorities such as Rroma. The Rroma organisation RomaPop aims at fighting this in popular culture. Their views on Comics are sobering…

– Hate Speech And The Fight For Roma Representation After New York Comic Con. In: Comics Alliance. 14.10.2016. http://comicsalliance.com/peter-david-rromani-representation-new-york-comic-con/?trackback=tsmclip [link-preview url=”http://comicsalliance.com/peter-david-rromani-representation-new-york-comic-con/?trackback=tsmclip”]

Buddha and Rroma

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A surprising tale of Buddha in the middle of a Rroma settlement in Hungary. A school named after Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891 – 1956), an Indian lawyer coming from the Dalits in a Rroma settlement aims at helping Rroma out of the exclusion which is too often the norm in Hungary. The school is run by Janos Orsos, a Rrom who converted to Buddhism.

– Wie Buddha in die Roma-Siedlung kam. In: Budapester Zeitung. 14.10.2016. http://www.budapester.hu/news/wie-buddha-die-roma-siedlung-kam [link-preview url=”http://www.budapester.hu/news/wie-buddha-die-roma-siedlung-kam”]
