Daily Archives: Oktober 28, 2016


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A weird news about a police department in the US North West on a training in “which law enforcement would learn about the supposed “Gypsy” threat in the Pacific Northwest, in a session titled “Without Mercy: Criminal Gypsies/Travelers and the Elderly.””
Since when are Rroma a threat to the US?

– Is the Bellevue Police Department scared of ‘gypsies’? In: Crosscut. 27.10.2016. http://crosscut.com/2016/10/is-the-bellevue-police-department-scared-of-gypsies/ [link-preview url=”http://crosscut.com/2016/10/is-the-bellevue-police-department-scared-of-gypsies/”]

An Award for a Young Activist

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Dafina Savic was awarded the Goldbloom award for her work for the Rroma community. She is a young Rromni living in Canada and fighting stereotypes and prejudices against Rroma.
Well Done and Congratulations!

– Goldbloom Awards: Dafina Savic sheds light on plight of Roma community. In: Global News. 27.10.2016. http://globalnews.ca/news/3028966/goldbloom-awards-dafina-savic-sheds-light-on-plight-of-roma-community/ [link-preview url=”http://globalnews.ca/news/3028966/goldbloom-awards-dafina-savic-sheds-light-on-plight-of-roma-community/”]

Slovakia: Where have EU Funds Gone

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František Tanko, of the Roma Civic Union of Slovakia has been criticising the use of EU funds in Slovakia. He says that many towns and cities have received millions from the EU, but that there is nothing to show against that money.
He is unfortunately quite right …

– Predseda občianskeho združenia Únia Rómov na Slovensku František Tanko opäť kritizoval aj činnosť Úradu splnomocnenca vlády pre rómske komunity. In: Webnoviny.sk. 27.10.2016. http://www.webnoviny.sk/slovensko/clanok/1113256-tanko-obce-dostavaju-tisice-eur-na-romov-zmeny-nevidno [link-preview url=”http://www.webnoviny.sk/slovensko/clanok/1113256-tanko-obce-dostavaju-tisice-eur-na-romov-zmeny-nevidno”]
