Daily Archives: Oktober 29, 2016

Travellers and Rroma

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Another article on local Swiss Travellers – the Jenische – and Rroma. And the views are far appart…

– Fahrende wehren sich: «Die Leute stecken uns in die gleiche Schublade wie die Roma». In: Aargauer Zeitung. 25.10.2016. http://www.aargauerzeitung.ch/schweiz/fahrende-wehren-sich-die-leute-stecken-uns-in-die-gleiche-schublade-wie-die-roma-130667190 [link-preview url=”http://www.aargauerzeitung.ch/schweiz/fahrende-wehren-sich-die-leute-stecken-uns-in-die-gleiche-schublade-wie-die-roma-130667190″]

Main and Miskolc

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The city of Main in Germany, paired with Miskolc is sticking to its guns. It is providing funds and help for Rroma via the Maltese orders. Main is somewhat embarrassed here as Miskolc is evicting Rroma from its centre on spurious grounds.
And giving funds to the Maltese order is nice, but not sufficient. Political action is required.

– Stadtrat bleibt dabei: Roma in Miskolc werden unterstützt. In: Main-Echo. 26.10.2016. http://www.main-echo.de/regional/stadt-kreis-aschaffenburg/art3983,4287212 [link-preview url=”http://www.main-echo.de/regional/stadt-kreis-aschaffenburg/art3983,4287212″]

Rome: Eviction, and then Nothing

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The City of Rome recently closed a centre which mostly lodged Rroma. According to local NGOs, this was more an eviction rather than a closure, as many of the people were not relocated in other centres.
The NGOs and the European Roma Right Centre are accusing the city to violate the human rights of the Rroma as well as not fulfilling their obligations according to European Laws.

– Rom, chiude il centro di via Amarilli. L’accusa: “Come uno sgombero forzato”. In Roma Today. 25.10.2016. http://www.romatoday.it/politica/chiusura-centro-accoglienza-via-amarilli.html [link-preview url=”http://www.romatoday.it/politica/chiusura-centro-accoglienza-via-amarilli.html”]

Poland: More Houses for Rroma

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The town of Limanowa in Southern Poland, is currently deciding whether to purchase new houses to improve the hosing situation of the Rroma there. The money comes from a government program and is meant to help three families in that town.
The debate currently is about where to buy… Surprise …

– Kupią kolejne domy dla Romów? Dziś decyzja radnych. In: Limanowa.in. 20.10.2016. http://limanowa.in/wydarzenia;kupia-kolejne-domy-dla-romow-dzis-decyzja-radnych,33729.html [link-preview url=”http://limanowa.in/wydarzenia;kupia-kolejne-domy-dla-romow-dzis-decyzja-radnych,33729.html”]
