Daily Archives: November 2, 2016

Rroma and Theatre

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A new theatre play, the Journey – Drom, portrays Rroma who moved to Germany in search of a better life. The play and its Rroma and Gadže actors wants to show the complexity of the refugee issue and wants to further understanding in Germany for their plight.

– Roma spread message of understanding through theatre. In: DW. 01.11.2016. http://www.dw.com/en/roma-spread-message-of-understanding-through-theater/a-36192278 [link-preview url=”http://www.dw.com/en/roma-spread-message-of-understanding-through-theater/a-36192278″]

Halloween Costumes

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An article about cultural appropriation and Halloween costumes. I would rather state that such costumes are full of stereotypes rather than speak of cultural appropriation.

– HALLOWEEN COSTUMES AND CULTURAL APPROPRIATION. In: The Connector. 01.11.2016. http://umlconnector.com/2016/11/halloween-costumes-and-cultural-appropriation/ [link-preview url=”http://umlconnector.com/2016/11/halloween-costumes-and-cultural-appropriation/”]

Germany: Petition

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A petition to prevent the deportation of a young Rromni born in Hamburg to Montenegro, a country she never saw.
Please sign!

– https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/in-hamburg-geborene-selma-darf-nicht-abgeschoben-werden [link-preview url=”https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/in-hamburg-geborene-selma-darf-nicht-abgeschoben-werden”]
