Daily Archives: November 10, 2016

Slovenia: Balance Development

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The Slovenian Government is promising a balanced development plan for its south-eastern region, and furthering the integration of Rroma.
Let’s see…

– Govt promises balanced development in SE Slovenia. In: STA> 09.11.2016. https://english.sta.si/2322528/govt-promises-balanced-development-in-se-slovenia [link-preview url=”https://english.sta.si/2322528/govt-promises-balanced-development-in-se-slovenia”]

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During the Remembrance Day in the UK, an article that cites the many Rroma and Travellers who died in World War One.
May they rest in peace.

– Paving stone to be unveiled for Scunthorpe Victoria Cross recipient on Remembrance Sunday. In: Scunthorpe Telegraph. 08.11.2016. http://www.scunthorpetelegraph.co.uk/paving-stone-to-be-unveiled-for-scunthorpe-victoria-cross-recipient-on-remembrance-sunday/story-29878935-detail/story.html

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Did you know that there is a small Rroma minority in Cyprus, a minority cited at the start of talks between the ministers of both sides of the Island.

– Cyprus: Why One of the World’s Most Intractable Conflicts Continues. In: The New Yor Times. 07.11.2016. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/08/world/europe/cyprus-reunification-talks.html?_r=0
