Daily Archives: November 12, 2016

Italy: Rroma Leaders Ask for EU Funds to Be Blocked

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Italian Rroma leaders have formally asked the EU to block 16 Mio EUR of funds earmarked for the Campania Region specifically for the integration of Rroma. And one knows what these funds were used for in the past: for camps, and for corruption …

– Nazione Rom chiede blocco finanziamento e rispetto della Strategia Nazionale ed Accordi Eu. In: Scrivo Napoli. 11.11.2016. http://www.scrivonapoli.it/nazione-rom-chiede-blocco-finanziamento-e-rispetto-della-strategia-nazionale-ed-accordi-eu/

Austria: Catholic Bishops Want a Memorial

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An Austrian Bishop conference in Eisenstadt asked for a worthy memorial to the Rroma and Sinti victims of the Holocaust in Austria… Would also have been nice to say that the church did not do much against it when it was happening …

– Bischöfe fordern Gedenkstätten für in der NS-Zeit ermordete Roma. In: Kath Press. 11.11.2016. http://www.kathpress.at/goto/meldung/1439196/bischoefe-fordern-gedenkstaetten-fuer-in-der-ns-zeit-ermordete-roma

Slovakia: Community Centre Controversy

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The planned construction of a Rroma community Centre in Poprad, in Eastern Slovakia. A petition has been launched against the project who, according to opponents, has neither head nor tail. It will be built on the site of “illegal” dwellings where Rroma live.

– Komunitné centrum stále rozdeľuje mesto a Matejovčanov. In: Korzar Spiš. 09.11.2016. http://spis.korzar.sme.sk/c/20379483/komunitne-centrum-stale-rozdeluje-mesto-a-matejovcanov.html
