Daily Archives: November 13, 2016

Lausanne: Recourse against the Begging Ban

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Lausanne: Recourse against the Begging Ban

The constitutional court of the canton of Vaud in Switzerland will have to decide on the legality of a ban against begging in that canton. The ban was prompted by the presence of less than hundred (yes!!!) beggars in Lausanne, some of which are Rroma.
There could be a few other possibilities …

– Vaud: recours contre l’interdiction de la mendicité. In: Swissinfo.ch. 09.11.2016. http://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/vaud–recours-contre-l-interdiction-de-la-mendicité/42580662 [link-preview url=”http://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/vaud–recours-contre-l-interdiction-de-la-mendicité/42580662″]

More on the Aggression in Italy

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Attacked because his wife is “the gypsy woman who is on television”, Paul Bitch Ninchi, president of Upre Rome and husband of Dijana Pavlovic, actress and Roma activist, had to to undergo surgery after an injury to his left ear drum.

– Aggredito perché sua moglie è la zingara che va in televisione: intervista a Dijana Pavlovic. In: Agenzia Radicale. 12.11.2016. http://www.agenziaradicale.com/index.php/diritti-e-liberta/4315-aggredito-perche-sua-moglie-e-la-zingara-che-va-in-televisione-intervista-a-dijana-pavlovic
– Milano, politico aggredito “Tua moglie è una rom” In: Il Giornale. 08.11.2016. http://www.ilgiornale.it/news/milano/aggressione-paolo-cagni-ferrero-colpa-clima-dodio-lega-1329012.html [link-preview url=”http://www.agenziaradicale.com/index.php/diritti-e-liberta/4315-aggredito-perche-sua-moglie-e-la-zingara-che-va-in-televisione-intervista-a-dijana-pavlovic”]

UK: Commemoration

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A UK Traveller who won the Victoria Cross in World War One is being remembered!

– Gypsy First World War hero honoured in Scunthorpe. In: The Traveller’s Times. 11.11.2016. http://travellerstimes.org.uk/News/Gypsy-First-World-War-hero-honoured-in-Scunthorpe.aspx [link-preview url=”http://travellerstimes.org.uk/News/Gypsy-First-World-War-hero-honoured-in-Scunthorpe.aspx”]

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Lots of expulsions in the region around Paris. This in spite of the winter and the normal winter pause of such evictions. In Seine et Marne, a large Rroma camp was cleared; 5 camps were cleared in the Essonnes department, for example in Tarterêts; another camp in the Yvelines was also closed; several people were evicted in Argenteuil and stood in front of the St. Denis Basilique in protest; in Montreuil, the families evicted in July still have found no housing; in Coflans St. Honorine, near Paris, Rroma travellers squatted the schoolyard of a local high-school; in Ivry, an association celebrated their work for Rroma; some ecologist activists helped clean up a camp of Rroma travellers; in Lyon, two families were evicted; and near Bordaux, Bulgarian Rroma are accused of having prostituted their children.

– Seine-et-Marne : le camp de Roms géant a été démantelé. In: Le Parisien. 08.11.2016. http://www.leparisien.fr/seine-et-marne-77/evry-gregy-sur-yerres-le-camp-de-roms-geant-a-ete-demantele-08-11-2016-6304263.php
– Évry-Grégy-sur-Yerre. Le bidonville démantelé. In: La République. 08.11.2016. http://www.larepublique77.fr/2016/11/08/evry-gregy-sur-yerres-le-bidonville-demantele-2/
– Le camp de Roms géant démantelé. In: Le Parisien. 09.11.2016. http://www.leparisien.fr/espace-premium/seine-et-marne-77/le-camp-de-roms-geant-demantele-09-11-2016-6305442.php
– Cinq camps de Roms démantelés à Corbeil-Essonnes. In: Le Républicain. 09.11.2016. http://www.le-republicain.fr/a-la-une/cinq-camps-de-roms-demanteles-a-corbeil-essonnes
– Cinq camps roms démantelés à Corbeil-Essonnes. In: Essonnes Infos. 10.11.2016. https://www.essonneinfo.fr/91-essonne-info/99512/cinq-camps-roms-demanteles-a-corbeil-essonnes/
– Corbeil-Essonnes : le camp de Roms proche des Tarterêts évacué. In: Le Parisien. 09.11.2016. http://www.leparisien.fr/corbeil-essonnes-91100/corbeil-essonnes-le-camp-de-roms-proche-des-tarterets-evacue-09-11-2016-6309438.php
– Montigny-le-Bretonneux. Le camp de roms évacué. In: 78 Actu. 10.11.2016. http://www.78actu.fr/le-camps-de-roms-evacue_42696/
– Argenteuil : « Ces gens ont été mis à la rue » In: Le Parisien. 08.11.2016. http://www.leparisien.fr/argenteuil-95100/argenteuil-ces-gens-ont-ete-mis-a-la-rue-08-11-2016-6304425.php
– Montreuil: une seule solution (provisoire), la réquisition pour les familles à la rue. In: Médiapart. 11.11.2016. https://blogs.mediapart.fr/juliette-keating/blog/101116/montreuil-une-seule-solution-provisoire-la-requisition-pour-les-familles-la-rue
– Conflans-Sainte-Honorine: Des caravanes de Roms installées au gymnase Joffre. In: La Gazette. 07.11.2016. http://www.gazettevaldoise.fr/2016/11/07/des-caravanes-de-roms-installees-au-gymnase-joffre/
– À Ivry, Sperentza fête ses actions en faveur des Roms. In: Le Parisien. 06.11.2016. http://www.leparisien.fr/ivry-sur-seine-94200/a-ivry-sperentza-fete-ses-actions-en-faveur-des-roms-06-11-2016-6295953.php
– SAINT-THIBAULT-DES-VIGNES ► UN COMMANDO ÉCOLO AIDE LES ROMS À NETTOYER LEUR CAMP. In: Magjournal77. 08.11.2016. http://www.magjournal77.fr/saint-thibault-vignes-►-commando-ecolo-aide-roms-a-nettoyer-camp/
– UNE EXPULSION JETTE DEUX FAMILLES ROMS À LA RUE DANS LE 4E. In: Lyon Bondy Blog. 09.11.2016. http://lyonbondyblog.fr/LBB/bulldozers-jettent-deux-familles-roms-a-rue/
– Gironde : accusés de prostituer leurs enfants. In: Sud Ouest. 08.11.2016. http://www.sudouest.fr/2016/11/08/parents-et-proxenetes-2560725-2780.php [link-preview url=”https://www.essonneinfo.fr/91-essonne-info/99512/cinq-camps-roms-demanteles-a-corbeil-essonnes/”]
