Daily Archives: November 21, 2016

Slovakia: A Town and Rroma Lodgings

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The town of Žilina in the North of Slovakia had to re-lodge Rroma who had to leave their flats due to a fire in the building. They chose to relocate them into containers, but with a caveat: Each family wanting to be re-located has to pay 200 EUR in advance (a lot of money there) and signed a rental contract. For those who had arrears, nothing will be done.

– Žilina chce presťahovať Rómov, mesto im ponúklo kontajnery. In: Webnoviny.sk. 14.11.2016. http://www.webnoviny.sk/slovensko/clanok/1117856-zilina-chce-prestahovat-romov-mesto-im-ponuklo-kontajnery [link-preview url=”http://www.webnoviny.sk/slovensko/clanok/1117856-zilina-chce-prestahovat-romov-mesto-im-ponuklo-kontajnery”]

UK: More and More Travellers in the Pentecostal Church

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An article about the huge impact of the Pentecostal church among Rroma and Travellers in the UK. This reflects the success of this church in France, Switzerland and to a lesser extend in Germany, but which definitively has a negative impact on Rroma tradition and customs, as these are superseded by church views. And this is not about fortune telling …

– How Gypsies have moved from fortune-telling to fervent Christianity. In: BBC News. 20.11.2016. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-38016090 [link-preview url=”http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-38016090″]

France and Prostitution …

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The case of Bulgarian Rroma who prostituted their children is making the headlines. Worse, it makes Rroma really look bad in a country where the press has a tendency to generalise.
They came off lightly, actually, way too lightly.

– GIRONDE: 2 À 6 ANS DE PRISON POUR DES PARENTS BULGARES QUI PROSTITUAIENT LEURS ENFANT. In: Charentes Libre. 18.11.2016. http://www.charentelibre.fr/2016/11/18/gironde-2-a-6-ans-de-prison-pour-des-parents-bulgares-qui-prostituaient-leurs-enfants,3068890.php
– Bordeaux : Peines légères pour des Roms qui prostituaient leurs propres enfants ! In: Infos Bordeaux. 19.11.2016. http://www.infos-bordeaux.fr/2016/actualites/bordeaux-peines-legeres-pour-des-roms-qui-prostituaient-leurs-propres-enfants-8518
– Procès des parents proxénètes à Bordeaux : l’expertise dérangeante de l’éthnopsychologue. In: Sud Ouest. 14.11.2016. http://www.sudouest.fr/2016/11/14/faire-du-sexe-c-est-comme-faire-la-manche-2567416-4697.php
– Bordeaux : de lourdes peines requises contre les parents jugés pour proxénétisme. In: Sud Ouest. 17.11.2016. http://www.sudouest.fr/2016/11/17/bordeaux-de-lourdes-peines-requises-contre-les-parents-juges-pour-proxenetisme-2571806-2780.php [link-preview url=”http://www.charentelibre.fr/2016/11/18/gironde-2-a-6-ans-de-prison-pour-des-parents-bulgares-qui-prostituaient-leurs-enfants,3068890.php”]
