Daily Archives: Dezember 3, 2016

Portugal: Rroma Are Amongst the Most Discriminated

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Another result of the survey in the EU on Rroma: Almost half of the interviewed Rroma in Portugal felt they have been discriminated against at some point in the past year! This is an extremely high percentage in a Western European Country.

– Portugal’s gypsies feel they are among the most discriminated against in Europe. In: News Online. 01.12.2016. http://theportugalnews.com/news/portugals-gypsies-feel-they-are-among-the-most-discriminated-against-in-europe/40358

European Union Admits Failure

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The European Agency of Fundamental Rights admitted failure in stopping the discrimination against Rroma. Again the 80% figure of Rroma living under poverty. We repeat, it is 80% of the 36’000 interviewed Rroma. This is different, but it seems that some journalists ought to go back to school and learn about percentages.

– L’UE reconnait son échec dans la lutte contre la discrimination des Roms. In: Euractiv. 30.11.2016. https://www.euractiv.fr/section/politique/news/lue-reconnait-son-echec-dans-la-lutte-contre-la-discrimination-des-roms/
