Daily Archives: Dezember 11, 2016

Home Guard – A Hungarian Movie

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A long review on a new Hungarian movie “Home Guard” about right wing extremists taking over a small town in Hungary. The basic problem of the movie is its obvious racial overtones, especially against Rroma who are represented exclusively as thieves, liars, etc. All stereotypes usually associated to them by the general Hungarian public are present here.
Really BAD

– “Home Guards”: A Film About Modern-Day Hungary or an Ode to Neo-Nazis? In: Los Angeles Review of Books. 09.12.2016. https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/home-guards-film-modern-day-hungary-ode-neo-nazis/#!

Portrait of a Militant

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Two articles about an English woman, Jne Bouviers who quit her job as a teacher to devote her time in helping children from the camps around Marseilles to go to school.
Good Job!

– Militer autrement. Jane Bouvier met les enfants roms à l’école. In: Mediapart. 09.12.2016. https://www.mediapart.fr/studio/portfolios/militer-autrement-jane-bouvier-met-les-enfants-roms-lecole
– Jane Bouvier, trait d’union entre les Roms et l’école. In: La Croix. 08.12.2016. http://www.la-croix.com/France/Exclusion/Jane-Bouvier-trait-dunion-entre-Roms-lecole-2016-12-08-1200808982

French Chronicle

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Very few news this week in France on Rroma. Whenever there are hot topics, Rroma vanish, only to resurface when the news are not so hot …
There is a new camp in the North of Paris; while another camp near St. Denis was closed; an article about municipalities from the Left who try to expel the poor, such as Lille or Montreuil; the story of a squat in Angers, in Western France; and a report of the first meeting of a collective in the North that wants to help Rroma.

– PARIS : UN CAMPEMENT DE ROMS SE REFORME PORTE DE LA CHAPELLE. In: LCI. 09.12.2016. http://www.lci.fr/societe/paris-un-campement-de-roms-se-reforme-porte-de-la-chapelle-2016636.html
– Pierrefitte : le grand campement rom vidé de ses occupants. In: Le Parisien. 08.12.2016. http://www.leparisien.fr/pierrefitte-sur-seine-93380/pierrefitte-le-grand-campement-rom-vide-de-ses-occupants-08-12-2016-6431934.php
– Lille, Montreuil : ces municipalités de gauche qui chassent les pauvres. In: Mediapart. 10.12.2016. https://blogs.mediapart.fr/lancetre/blog/101216/lille-montreuil-ces-municipalites-de-gauche-qui-chassent-les-pauvres
– Au Chêne-Vert, la vie suspendue de 60 Roms. In: Angers Mag. 10.12.2016. http://www.angersmag.info/Au-Chene-Vert-la-vie-suspendue-de-60-Roms_a12867.html
– Ambiance consensuelle à la première soirée du collectif Roms Denaisis. In: La Voix du Nord. 09.12.2016. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/87506/article/2016-12-09/ambiance-consensuelle-la-premiere-soiree-du-collectif-roms-denaisis
