Daily Archives: Dezember 12, 2016

Camp or Favela?

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Let’s call a cat a cat … An interesting article in the French press about camps, all too often associated with Rroma whereas they are simply the result of poverty and lack of access to the housing market. So in effect favelas which are not “part of the Rroma culture” as is all too often portrayed in the Press.

– CECI N’EST PAS UN CAMP DE ROMS, C’EST UN BIDONVILLE. In: Lyon Bondy Blog. 05.12.2016. http://lyonbondyblog.fr/LBB/ceci-nest-camp-de-roms-cest-bidonville/ [link-preview url=”http://lyonbondyblog.fr/LBB/ceci-nest-camp-de-roms-cest-bidonville/”]

Germany: More against AfD

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The German Jewish Central Council is calling for more engagement against the AfD, a new German party who is definitively not pro minorities and migrants. Rroma are amongst its targets.
We can only agree with this statement.

– Jüdischer Zentralrat fordert mehr Engagement gegen AfD. In: Zeit Online. 08.12.2016. http://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/zeitgeschehen/2016-12/rechtspopulismus-juedischer-zentralrat-afd-josef-schuster [link-preview url=”http://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/zeitgeschehen/2016-12/rechtspopulismus-juedischer-zentralrat-afd-josef-schuster”]

10th EU Rroma Platform

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A commentary on the 10th EU Rroma Platform that took place recently.

– REFLECTIONS ON THE 10TH EU ROMA PLATFORM. In: Epha. 08.12.2016. http://epha.org/reflections-on-the-10th-eu-roma-platform/ [link-preview url=”http://epha.org/reflections-on-the-10th-eu-roma-platform/”]

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Esma died yesterday at the age of 73. She was born in the Šutka in 1943, and her career
As a musician spaned more than 50 years. She was engaged in Rroma rights, in particular in women rights, and she adopted nearly 50 children in her lifetime.
May she rest in peace. Te ovel o drom angla late puterdo!

– Esma Redzepova, Macedonia’s ‘Romany music queen’, dies at 73. In: BBC News. 11.12.2016. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-38283554
– ESMA REDŽEPOVA : LA REINE DES TSIGANES S’EST ÉTEINTE. In: Le Courrier des Balkans. 11.12.2016. https://www.courrierdesbalkans.fr/bazar/balkanophonie/esma-redzepova-la-reine-des-tziganes.html
– ARJ Macedónia: Morreu Esma Redzepova, rainha da cultura cigana. In: ESC Portugal. 11.12.2016. http://www.escportugal.pt/2016/12/ultima-hora-morreu-esma-redzepova.html
– Queen of Romany music, Esma Redžepova, dies aged 73. In: Eurovision. 11.12.2016. http://www.eurovision.tv/page/news?id=queen_of_roma_music_esma_redzepova_dies_aged_73 [link-preview url=”https://www.courrierdesbalkans.fr/bazar/balkanophonie/esma-redzepova-la-reine-des-tziganes.html”]
