Daily Archives: Dezember 14, 2016

Bratislava: Photograph Exhibition

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An exhibition of phots of Rroma is opening today in Bratislava. Again, one finds mostly stereotypes in these pictures, something that is all too often the case in such exhibitions…

– Vernisáž výstavy fotografií Rómov bude už dnes v bratislavskom Kalabe! In: Baratislava Noviny. 13.12.2016. http://www.bratislavskenoviny.sk/najnovsie-spravy-z-bratislavy/kultura-skolstvo/vernisaz-vystavy-fotografii-romov-bude-uz-dnes-v-bratislavskom-kalabe.html?page_id=340791

Rome and Roma Camps

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13 Indictments and 4 settlements in the case of the so-called “Mafia Capitale” a corruption case involving the city of Roma administration, the mafia and several other participants in rigging the contracts and construction of the infamour Rroma camps around Rome.

– Mafia Capitale: appalti campi nomadi, in 13 rinviati a giudizio. In: Ansa. 11.12.2016. http://www.ansa.it/lazio/notizie/2016/12/10/mafia-roma-appalti-campi-nomadi-in-13-rinviati-a-giudizio_64ec3cc3-6f74-4762-9641-a9b93fcaeac8.html
