Daily Archives: Dezember 22, 2016

Bosnia and Rroma

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The struggle of Rroma in Bosnia, a country that broke down because of nationalism and leaves little space to minorities. Here, the story of Redzo Seferovic who is the first Roma elected to head a municipal council in Bosnia.

– Roma breaks glass ceiling in Bosnia but challenges remain. In: Yahoo Singapore. 19.12.2016. https://sg.news.yahoo.com/roma-breaks-glass-ceiling-bosnia-challenges-remain-041933821.html [link-preview url=”https://sg.news.yahoo.com/roma-breaks-glass-ceiling-bosnia-challenges-remain-041933821.html”]

Hungary and Electricity

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The story of a foundation who is giving away solar panels to poor Rroma in Hungary so that they have electricity. As they struggle to pay the bill, electricity is often lacking, even when the houses are on the grid.

– “Light bringers” help Hungary’s impoverished Roma power their homes. In: Daily Mail. 16.12.2016. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-4040720/Light-bringers-help-Hungarys-impoverished-Roma-power-homes.html [link-preview url=”http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-4040720/Light-bringers-help-Hungarys-impoverished-Roma-power-homes.html”]

Graves of Holocaust Survivors

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The Federal government and the Regions in Germany have finally promised to retain the graves of Rroma Holocaust survivors. Normally, unless the family pays, these graves are re-used after a 25 years period.
May these people rest in peace and eternity.

– Gräber verfolgter Sinti und Roma können erhalten bleiben – damit die Erinnerung an den Porajmos weiterlebt. In: Bundespresseportal. 20.12.2016. http://www.bundespresseportal.de/hessen/10-hessen/graeber-verfolgter-sinti-und-roma-koennen-erhalten-bleiben-damit-die-erinnerung-an-den-porajmos-weiterlebt.html [link-preview url=”http://www.bundespresseportal.de/hessen/10-hessen/graeber-verfolgter-sinti-und-roma-koennen-erhalten-bleiben-damit-die-erinnerung-an-den-porajmos-weiterlebt.html”]
