Monthly Archives: Dezember 2016

Popular Image of Rroma

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Yet another case of portraying Rroma via stereotypes only. This time, in the superhero league, with a woman who has the power “to hide and trick” and who calls herself Gypsy…

– Justice League Heroine to Join CW’s The Flash — But Isn’t She Due For a Non-Racist Name Change? In: The Marie Sue. 12.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Camp or Favela?

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Let’s call a cat a cat … An interesting article in the French press about camps, all too often associated with Rroma whereas they are simply the result of poverty and lack of access to the housing market. So in effect favelas which are not “part of the Rroma culture” as is all too often portrayed in the Press.

– CECI N’EST PAS UN CAMP DE ROMS, C’EST UN BIDONVILLE. In: Lyon Bondy Blog. 05.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Germany: More against AfD

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The German Jewish Central Council is calling for more engagement against the AfD, a new German party who is definitively not pro minorities and migrants. Rroma are amongst its targets.
We can only agree with this statement.

– Jüdischer Zentralrat fordert mehr Engagement gegen AfD. In: Zeit Online. 08.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

10th EU Rroma Platform

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A commentary on the 10th EU Rroma Platform that took place recently.

– REFLECTIONS ON THE 10TH EU ROMA PLATFORM. In: Epha. 08.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

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Esma died yesterday at the age of 73. She was born in the Šutka in 1943, and her career
As a musician spaned more than 50 years. She was engaged in Rroma rights, in particular in women rights, and she adopted nearly 50 children in her lifetime.
May she rest in peace. Te ovel o drom angla late puterdo!

– Esma Redzepova, Macedonia’s ‘Romany music queen’, dies at 73. In: BBC News. 11.12.2016.
– ESMA REDŽEPOVA : LA REINE DES TSIGANES S’EST ÉTEINTE. In: Le Courrier des Balkans. 11.12.2016.
– ARJ Macedónia: Morreu Esma Redzepova, rainha da cultura cigana. In: ESC Portugal. 11.12.2016.
– Queen of Romany music, Esma Redžepova, dies aged 73. In: Eurovision. 11.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Bulgaria: The Rise of Hate Speech

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An article about the rise of hate speech in Bulgaria, especially against minorities such as the Rroma, the Turks, and the Pomaks. Rroma are by far the most vilified minority currently online in Bulgaria.

– They Won’t ‘Come for Us’ in Bulgaria. In: Balkan Insight. 07.12.2016. [link-preview url=”″]

Home Guard – A Hungarian Movie

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A long review on a new Hungarian movie “Home Guard” about right wing extremists taking over a small town in Hungary. The basic problem of the movie is its obvious racial overtones, especially against Rroma who are represented exclusively as thieves, liars, etc. All stereotypes usually associated to them by the general Hungarian public are present here.
Really BAD

– “Home Guards”: A Film About Modern-Day Hungary or an Ode to Neo-Nazis? In: Los Angeles Review of Books. 09.12.2016.! [link-preview url=”!”]

Portrait of a Militant

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Two articles about an English woman, Jne Bouviers who quit her job as a teacher to devote her time in helping children from the camps around Marseilles to go to school.
Good Job!

– Militer autrement. Jane Bouvier met les enfants roms à l’école. In: Mediapart. 09.12.2016.
– Jane Bouvier, trait d’union entre les Roms et l’école. In: La Croix. 08.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle

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Very few news this week in France on Rroma. Whenever there are hot topics, Rroma vanish, only to resurface when the news are not so hot …
There is a new camp in the North of Paris; while another camp near St. Denis was closed; an article about municipalities from the Left who try to expel the poor, such as Lille or Montreuil; the story of a squat in Angers, in Western France; and a report of the first meeting of a collective in the North that wants to help Rroma.

– Pierrefitte : le grand campement rom vidé de ses occupants. In: Le Parisien. 08.12.2016.
– Lille, Montreuil : ces municipalités de gauche qui chassent les pauvres. In: Mediapart. 10.12.2016.
– Au Chêne-Vert, la vie suspendue de 60 Roms. In: Angers Mag. 10.12.2016.
– Ambiance consensuelle à la première soirée du collectif Roms Denaisis. In: La Voix du Nord. 09.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Macedonia, The Shutka, and the Elections

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An article about the upcoming elections in Macedonia and their potential impact on the life of Rroma in that country as seen by Rroma from the Shutka, the Rroma neighbourhood in Skopje.

– Election brings no hope to Macedonia’s Roma-run ‘ghetto’, say voters. In: The Business Insider. 10.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

What People Think of Us …

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Scary poll about what people think about Rroma in Europe.

– Roma gypsies most negatively perceived European minority group, survey finds. In: The Independent. 19.11.2016. [link-preview url=””]

France: The Itinerary of Rromni

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An article in a French paper about a Rroma family, especially a Rromni, Angelica Boti, who arrived in France in 2000. What is interesting here is that it is a rather conservative paper who presents this story and speaks about the will to integrate of the family.
This is new, and positive for a change.

– Expulsions/ Itinéraire ordinaire d’une famille rom. In: JSD. 06.12.2016.éraire-ordinaire-d’une-famille-rom [link-preview url=”éraire-ordinaire-d’une-famille-rom”]

Bad Taste …

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HEKS, the Protestant help organisation is advertising for donations using all clichés about Rroma. If you watch the pictures, you find them all.
While the situation of Rroma in Kosovo is bad, it is not all ghettoes. Rroma there were integrated and had houses in the cities etc. In brief, this kind of campaign shows that stereotypes also exist in NGOs and simply re-inforce the prevalent views.

– [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland: Lausanne and Begging

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An article on Rroma beggars in Lausanne, their income (very low) and their aspirations. It features the organisation Opre Rom which helps the Rroma to find a decent job. It is good, as this shows that begging is not a choice, and certainly not a criminal entreprise.

– «Ce n’est pas un choix» In: Le Corrier. 08.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia and EU Funds

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EU Funds for Rroma are not welcome in many Slovak communes … The Interior Ministry, which administers EU funds Roma, shoes that while some municipalities already have allocated the first millions for the new programming period, it also shows that In practice, many municipalities are not interested. Even though these funds could raise the Rroma standard of living.

– Rozdeľujú sa eurofondy pre Rómov, niektoré obce ich nechcú. In: TA3. 03.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Italian Football: Again

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Yet another case of racism amongst supporters and players in Italy. This time, fans chanted “Gypsy” at a player … At least this time, there are reactions …

– Baldissoni condemns Roma chants. Italia Football. 06.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Czech Republic: Online Hatred

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Online hatred against Rroma is on the rise in the Czech Republic with nearly 80% of online posts about Rroma being negative.
Bad but unfortunately not surprising.

– LN: Online hatred for Czech Roma growing. In: The Prague Daily Monitor. 06.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Italy: Progress

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It seems that things are slowly moving in Rome: Following discussions in the city council, there is a plan now to slowly move towards the closure of the Rroma camps that were a real shame for the city (and a real source of corruption). The local Rroma organisations have been greeting this progress all the while remaining cautious…

– Il Comune avvia l’iter per superare i campi: parte il Progetto Inclusione Rom. In: Roma Today. 07.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]

Shut Eye …

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More on the Hulu series… Un fortunately not all bad. It should be really panned for the stereotypes it conveys about the Rroma community. This series is really bad.

– Hulu gives fake psychics real drama in the addicting Shut Eye. In: AV Club. 07.12.2016.
– Review New fortune-teller drama ‘Shut Eye’ runs hot and cold. In: Los Angeles Times. 06.12.2016. [link-preview url=””]