Daily Archives: Januar 13, 2017

Germany and Social Help

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A new proposal for the dispensation of social help in Germany requires that the applicants have worked before in Germany. This in spite of EU law. If EU citizen fail to find work, they will have some help for ca 6 weeks and then nothing.
This is a measure that is aimed at keeping Romanians and Bulgarians (Rroma in most minds) from “abusing” the system – something they anyhow don’t do. Numbers are small.

– Wer nicht arbeitet, soll gehen. In: TAZ. 11.01.2017. http://www.taz.de/!5369195/ [link-preview url=”http://www.taz.de/!5369195/”]

UK: Mobbing in Sheffield

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If it is correct, this is dismal. Over a quarter of Slovak Rroma children in Sheffield have stopped going to school because of mobbing there.

– A quarter of children from Slovak Roma background have been excluded from Sheffield schools — after daily harassment from fellow students. In: Morning Star. 13.01.2017. http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/a-ff8f-Bullies-Force-Out-Roma-Kids#.WHhnrbGZNyo [link-preview url=”http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/a-ff8f-Bullies-Force-Out-Roma-Kids#.WHhnrbGZNyo”]

Hungary, the Cold, and Rroma

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An article about the impact of the cold spell in Hungary on Rroma who struggle to keep warm. To be frank, it is not only Rroma, but also many poor Hungarians who cannot afford the costs of heating. And temperatures dropped to close to -30.

– Roma struggle to keep warm in Hungary’s deadly cold snap. In: SFGate. 12.01.2017. http://www.sfgate.com/news/world/article/Poor-Roma-in-Hungary-struggle-to-keep-warm-in-10852555.php
– Roma struggle to keep warm in Hungary’s deadly cold snap. In: SeattlePi. 12.01.2017. http://www.seattlepi.com/living/article/Poor-Roma-in-Hungary-struggle-to-keep-warm-in-10852555.php [link-preview url=”http://www.sfgate.com/news/world/article/Poor-Roma-in-Hungary-struggle-to-keep-warm-in-10852555.php “]
