Daily Archives: Januar 14, 2017

Manitas de Plata

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The city of Montpellier is planning to erect a statue commemorating Manitas de Plata, the flamenco musician native from that city. He died two years ago.

– Montpellier: Le musicien Manitas de Plata aura sa statue avant l’été prochain. In: 20 Minutes. 20.12.2017. http://www.20minutes.fr/montpellier/1983711-20161220-montpellier-musicien-manitas-plata-statue-avant-prochain [link-preview url=”http://www.20minutes.fr/montpellier/1983711-20161220-montpellier-musicien-manitas-plata-statue-avant-prochain”]

France: Centenary of an Activist

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Niki Lorier, born 11. January 1917 celebrated his 100th birthday amongst his Manouches friends. He is one of the first activists who engaged himself for the Manouches in France and he created the first association of travellers in France.
May he live much longer!

– https://www.facebook.com/France3Lorraine/videos/10154095272741587/ [link-preview url=”https://www.facebook.com/France3Lorraine/videos/10154095272741587/”]

Ukraine: Kolyadi

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An article on the tradition of Kolyadi – Rroma Christmas songs – in the Ukraine. This tradition is still alive, and is illustrated by a Rromni poet interviewed here.

– Поетеса Рані Романі розповіла про ромські традиції Різдва. In: Правовий Простір. 13.01.2017. http://legalspace.org/ua/napryamki/posilennya-romskikh-gromad/item/8491-poetesa-rani-romani-rozpovila-pro-romski-tradytsii-rizdva [link-preview url=”http://legalspace.org/ua/napryamki/posilennya-romskikh-gromad/item/8491-poetesa-rani-romani-rozpovila-pro-romski-tradytsii-rizdva”]

Slovakia: Report of Rroma

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A report on the situation of Rroma in Slovakia paints a bad picture. Discrimination, segregation, racism, police violence, poverty and unemployment.

– Rómovia čelia problémom a diskriminácii. Dokument odporúča viac rómčiny a menej segregácie. In: Opoštova Banka. 11.01.2017. http://aktualne.atlas.sk/slovensko/spolocnost/segregacia-deti-diskriminacia-potlacanie-prav-takto-si-ziju-romovia-slovensku.html [link-preview url=”http://aktualne.atlas.sk/slovensko/spolocnost/segregacia-deti-diskriminacia-potlacanie-prav-takto-si-ziju-romovia-slovensku.html”]
