Daily Archives: Januar 25, 2017

Berlin and Rroma

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Following the case of a shop in Neukölln that forbade Rroma entry, the Berlin Senat has decided to sing a contract with a Rroma organisation „Landesrat der Roma und Sinti, RomnoKher Berlin-Brandenburg e. V.“ with the aim of ensuring that any Rrom, regardless of origins will not be discriminated and will be given the chance to integrate. The association is directed by Dotschy Reinhardt.

– Senat will Vertrag mit Sinti und Roma. In: TaZ. 24.1.2017. http://www.taz.de/Einsatz-gegen-Antiziganismus-in-Berlin/!5373308/ [link-preview url=”http://www.taz.de/Einsatz-gegen-Antiziganismus-in-Berlin/!5373308/”]

Czech Republic and Sterilisation

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A long article on the forced sterilisations conducted in Czechoslovakia and then in the Czech and Slovak republics, until very recently. These sterilisations were solely motivated by eugenics.
No one has ever been convicted for such a crime, but they should.

– Racism’s cruelest cut: coercive sterilisation of Romani women and their fight for justice in the Czech Republic (1966-2016) In: Open Democracy. 24.01.2017. https://www.opendemocracy.net/can-europe-make-it/bernard-rorke-marek-szilvasi/racisms-cruelest-cut-coercive-sterilization-of-roman [link-preview url=”https://www.opendemocracy.net/can-europe-make-it/bernard-rorke-marek-szilvasi/racisms-cruelest-cut-coercive-sterilization-of-roman”]

Peter Mercer

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It is with great regrets that we learnt the news of the death of Peter Mercer on January 17th. Peter Mercer relentlessly fought for the rights of Rroma and Travellers in the UK and in Europe. For his work, he was awarded an MBE in 2000.
May he rest in peace.

– Peter Mercer M.B.E. – 22.1.1934 – 17.1.2017. In: The Travellers Time. 20.01.2017. http://travellerstimes.org.uk/Blogs–Features/Peter-Mercer-MBE–2211934–1712017.aspx [link-preview url=”http://travellerstimes.org.uk/Blogs–Features/Peter-Mercer-MBE–2211934–1712017.aspx”]
