Daily Archives: Januar 28, 2017

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The Canton of Berne, in Switzerland is presenting a new project of law aimed at forbidding some of the work that is done by travellers such as painting, renovations etc. This measure is clearly directed against Rroma from neighbouring countries but will hit all Travellers in Switzerland.

– Schweizer Fahrende wehren sich. In: Berner Zeitung. 23.01.2017. http://www.bernerzeitung.ch/schweiz/Schweizer-Fahrende-wehren-sich/story/26395637
– Protest gegen ungerechtfertige Vorwürfe. In: SRF. 23.01.2017. http://www.srf.ch/news/regional/bern-freiburg-wallis/protest-gegen-ungerechtfertige-vorwuerfe
– Le canton de Berne fâche les gens du voyage. In: RFJ. 19.01.2017. https://www.rfj.ch/rfj/Actualite/Region/20170119-Le-canton-de-Berne-fache-les-gens-du-voyage.html [link-preview url=”https://www.rfj.ch/rfj/Actualite/Region/20170119-Le-canton-de-Berne-fache-les-gens-du-voyage.html”]

Slovakia and Rroma Criminality

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A rather long article about Rroma criminality – Rroma offering goods on parking lots in Žilina. The article assumes the goods are stolen and states that Rroma trick people is selling gold and jewellery.
Seems to be a lot of assumptions and a long article for something like this … Well, this is Slovakia and Rroma do not have good press there.

– Skupina Rómov sa v Žiline vypytuje na cestu, ľuďom potom rozdáva elektroniku ako darček. In: Žilinak., 23.01.2017. https://www.zilinak.sk/prispevky/5629/skupina-romov-sa-v-ziline-vypytuje-na-cestu-ludjom-potom-rozdava-elektroniku-ako-darcek [link-preview url=”https://www.zilinak.sk/prispevky/5629/skupina-romov-sa-v-ziline-vypytuje-na-cestu-ludjom-potom-rozdava-elektroniku-ako-darcek”]

Germany Mourns Herzog

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Germany paid final respects to Roman Herzog, former President of Germany from 1994 to 1999 who was the first German official who apologised for the Nazi crimes against Rroma.
May he rest in peace!

– Germany mourns former President Herzog, who apologized for Nazi crimes. In: DW. 24.01.2017. http://www.dw.com/en/germany-mourns-former-president-herzog-who-apologized-for-nazi-crimes/a-37254968 [link-preview url=”http://www.dw.com/en/germany-mourns-former-president-herzog-who-apologized-for-nazi-crimes/a-37254968″]

Holocaust Remembrance

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Several articles in the press on the Holocaust Remembrance Day. From the pope, in Germany, and in Italy.
May they rest in peace!

– Holy See: Holocaust teaches us that vigilance is always needed. In: Radio Vatican. 27.01.2017. http://en.radiovaticana.va/news/2017/01/27/holy_see_holocaust_teaches_us_that_vigilance_is_always_need/1288576
– Holocaust calls us to have ‘respect for the dignity of every person’. In: The Catholic World Report. 27.01.2017. http://www.catholicworldreport.com/NewsBriefs/Default.aspx?rssGuid=holocaust-calls-us-to-have-respect-for-the-dignity-of-every-person-11534/
– Die Opfer sollen nicht vergessen warden. In: RBB24. 27.01.2017. http://www.rbb-online.de/politik/beitrag/2017/01/holocaust-gedenktag-opfer-des-nationalsozialismus-berlin-branden.html
– Il genocidio di rom e sinti durante il nazi-fascismo: una memoria rimossa. In: Radio Radicale. 27.01.2017. https://www.radioradicale.it/scheda/498461/il-genocidio-di-rom-e-sinti-durante-il-nazi-fascismo-una-memoria-rimossa [link-preview url=”https://www.radioradicale.it/scheda/498461/il-genocidio-di-rom-e-sinti-durante-il-nazi-fascismo-una-memoria-rimossa”]
