Monthly Archives: Januar 2017

Hungary: Some Help

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A small grassroots project helping Rroma in Hungary. Not many, but better than nothing.

– Roma-Familien in Ungarn bekommen Unterstützung aus Eickel. In: WAZ. 18.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Gdansk and the Attacks

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The Gdansk police could not determine the perpetrators of last year’s assault on two Roma families living in a Rroma settlement. The attack on 15 people took place on May 11th of last year before and after a football match. Suspicions are that the police did not really do much to find the culprits.

– Napadli na dwie rodziny, ale pozostają bezkarni. In: Fak24. 18.91.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Together we Can

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Romea, the Czech Rroma Information network is planning to introduce weekly interviews of people who are helping Rrom and their integration. We will certainly highlight these in the newsfeed!

– Together We Can: David Tišer. In: Romea. 18.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Munich: Exhibition on Rroma Holocaust Extended

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The exhibition on Rroma Holocaust housed in the NS Documentation Centre in Munich will be extended until February 12. Worthwhile seing.

– München · Ausstellung über Sinti und Roma wird verlängert. In: München Wochen Anzeiger. 16.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Rome and Rroma Camps

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More on the saga of the camps in Rome. Now the plan for the closure (and not the closure) will be ready by the end of the month… What is so complicated?
And by the way, the state gives out 23 Mio EUR for these camps per year, this for ca. 5’000 Rroma. Close to 5’000 EUR per head.
Someone is making money there.

– Roma, giunta Raggi: «Censiremo i campi poi la chiusura entro il 31 gennaio». In: Il Messagero. 17.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Wallenberg Price

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The recipients of this year Wallenberg price, named after the Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Jews in Hungary during World War Two were named. Among them there is a Rroma association, Chakra teachings of Moldava nad Bodvou. The aim of the association is to achieve integration through education.
Well done!

– Wallenbergovu cenu získalo aj slovenské rómske združenie. In: Aktuality. 17.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

The Story of an Expulsion

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An interview of the young Rromni Leonarda Dibrani who was expulsed from France together with her family (in spite of being in school). While they were expelled to Kosovo, she now lives in Croatia, which says a lot about the “safety” of Kosovo for Rroma. And it is difficult for her.
A worthy read on the damage of mistaken Refugee policies.

– La jeune rom kosovare, expulsée avec sa famille de notre pays en 2013, a raconté son quotidien en Croatie à “BFMtv”. “Je peux venir en France quand je veux !”, a-t-elle notamment lancé. In: 09.01.2017.
– Leonarda Dibrani : “J’ai envie de revenir en France pour remercier les gens qui m’ont aidée. In: France Infos. 09.01.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Exhibition on Antitziganism in Germany

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An exhibition on the theme of “Antitziganism” in Gernany. We do dislike the term as it is a bad copy of another term, and would rather stick to simple racism …

– Ausstellung zum Antiziganismus an der BTHS. In: NH24H. 15.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Fico, Rroma, and a Change of Attitudes

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Smer, the party of the Slovak prime minister Fico remains popular among Rroma. A large part of the 33 Rroma mayors in the country are in Smer.
But, lately Fico has made statements at his party gathering in Prešov stating that Rroma abuse social help and claimed he would stop it, that one needs to send the police into Rroma settlements, and other repressive measures.
Bad that it too swings towards the hard line of the extreme right. Bad for the half million Rroma in that country.

– Smer je medzi Rómami populárny. Fico aj tak vytiahol v boji o voliča protirómsku kartu. In: Opoštova Banka. 15.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

A Book on Romanian Migrants

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A new book gives a series of 10 portraits of Romanian migrants, with of course Rroma among them. The book’s title “Does the Sun Rise in the West” is meant to give a face to the more than 3 Mio Romanians who left their countries in search of a better life.

– BLOG • LE SOLEIL SE LÈVE-T-IL À L’OUEST ? PORTRAITS DE MIGRANTS DE ROUMANIE. In: Le Courrier des Balkans. 14.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland: Criminalisation

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A long article on the results of the interdiction of begging in the canton of Vaud, in the French speaking part of Switzerland. The main result is the de-facto criminalisation of beggars, and as a result, at least from a police perspective, providing legal grounds to expulse these from Switzerland.

– D’indésirables, les Roms sont désormais passés à criminels. In: L’Hebdo. 12.01.2017.’indésirables-les-roms-sont-désormais-passés-à-criminels
– Le référendum pour la mendicité est un échec et se transforme en petition. In: 24 Heures. 13.01.2017. [link-preview url=”’indésirables-les-roms-sont-désormais-passés-à-criminels “]

Italy: Raggi’s Plan on Rroma

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A scathing critique of the plans of the 5 Stars’ mayor of Rome plans for Rroma in the capital. Raggi’s plans disregard accepted principles in dealing with Rroma, are far from complete and in parts renege on promises and statements.

– Questione rom a Roma, Raggi bluffa sul piano di lavoro. In: Il Fatto Quotidiano. 08.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

UK: Segregation …

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A study of the university of Edinburgh suggests that bullying against Rroma and travellers is widespread and sometime condoned or at least tolerated by teachers, resulting in a self imposed segregation, where these population simply cease to send their children to school.

– When schools are ‘unsafe spaces’ for Traveller pupils. In: TES. 13.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Italy, Camps, and Rroma

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A study of the conditions – especially for women – in camps in the Piedmont region of Italy showed unsurprisingly a low education level, deprivation, and also marriage at a young age, around 16 or 17, an increase since the last study.
What are Italians waiting for in closing these camps?

– Donne in campi Rom, bassa scolarità. In: Ansa Piemonte. 12.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Poland: Litzmannstadt Ghetto

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Poland commemorated the 75th anniversary of the liquidation of the Rroma camp in the Litzmannstadt Ghetto. In the Litzmannstadt Ghetto (created by the occupation authorities in February 1940), a very small area was separated as a Gypsy camp (Zigeunerlager). More than 5,000 Roma and Sinti deported from Burgenland on the border between the Austro-Hungarian were interned there. The camp was separated from the Ghetto by double barbed wire and deep moat, and the windows were boarded. In such terrible conditions Rroma – most of which were small children – had no chance of survival. There was immediately a typhus epidemic broke out, which decimated the population. On January 5, 1942, the Nazis began deportation to the extermination camp at Chelmno on the Ner. Within a week Gypsy camp was liquidated. Not a single person survived.

75. rocznica likwidacji obozu cygańskiego w Litzmannstadt Getto [ZDJĘCIA, FILM]. In: Polska Times. 12.01.2017.,11684650/ [link-preview url=”,11684650/”]

French Chronicle …

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Almost no news this week in France on Rroma… In Paris, on the tracks of the former “petite ceinture” railways, the camps are waiting for the ruling that will most probably see them dismantled for the second time in as many years; in the South, a “western” about prostitution – on a regional road where many prostitutes wait for their clients, who are now criminal under French law; the story of the cheap modular village thought by students goes one; and finally, associations denouncing the stereotypes that are propagated by politicians and the Press. This is good for a change.

– Les bidonvilles de la petite ceinture à nouveau en sursis. In: Le Parisien. 12.01.2017.
– Prostitution : les gendarmes à la chasse aux clients sur la route D609. In: L’OBS. 15.01.2017.
– Le « village modulaire » toujours à l’étude. In: Le Parisien. 12.01.2017.
– Pauvreté : les associations dénoncent les préjugés relayés par les politiques. In: L’OBS. 09.01.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Manitas de Plata

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The city of Montpellier is planning to erect a statue commemorating Manitas de Plata, the flamenco musician native from that city. He died two years ago.

– Montpellier: Le musicien Manitas de Plata aura sa statue avant l’été prochain. In: 20 Minutes. 20.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

France: Centenary of an Activist

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Niki Lorier, born 11. January 1917 celebrated his 100th birthday amongst his Manouches friends. He is one of the first activists who engaged himself for the Manouches in France and he created the first association of travellers in France.
May he live much longer!

– [link-preview url=””]

Ukraine: Kolyadi

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An article on the tradition of Kolyadi – Rroma Christmas songs – in the Ukraine. This tradition is still alive, and is illustrated by a Rromni poet interviewed here.

– Поетеса Рані Романі розповіла про ромські традиції Різдва. In: Правовий Простір. 13.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Report of Rroma

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A report on the situation of Rroma in Slovakia paints a bad picture. Discrimination, segregation, racism, police violence, poverty and unemployment.

– Rómovia čelia problémom a diskriminácii. Dokument odporúča viac rómčiny a menej segregácie. In: Opoštova Banka. 11.01.2017. [link-preview url=””]