Daily Archives: Februar 6, 2017

Rome: Illegal Occupation

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A recent news from Rome with the illegal occupation by 50 Rroma of a disused factory.
As usual, these articles stress the criminality of such occupations, not the need for lodging.

– Roma, Fdi: “Nomadi occupano stabile ‘a insaputa’ del M5S”. In: Il Giornale. 04.02.2017. http://www.ilgiornale.it/news/cronache/roma-nomadi-occupano-stabile-insaputa-dei-cinquestelle-1359770.html [link-preview url=”http://www.ilgiornale.it/news/cronache/roma-nomadi-occupano-stabile-insaputa-dei-cinquestelle-1359770.html”]

Switzerland: Bad Press

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The latest news in the French speaking part of Switzerland give a really bad light on Rroma: A human trafficker – bringing in beggars and prostitutes to Switzerland was condemned. To ne noted the trafficker does not seem to be a Rrom, something that will be probably lost on the readers.
In another story, child weddings are being celebrated in Switzerland too. And of course, Rroma are also cited.
In another of those stories, four young Rroma are in court for the rape of a minor Swiss girl near Lausanne.
Overall, what a picture this gives of Rroma … Even though there are 80-100’000 well integrated Rroma in the country.

– Un convoyeur de mendiants roms condamné. In: La tribune de Genève. 01.02.2017. http://www.tdg.ch/suisse/Un-convoyeur-de-mendiants-roms-condamne/story/13469260
– Mariages de mineurs célébrés aussi en Suisse. In: 20 Minutes (CH). 29.01.2017. http://www.20min.ch/ro/news/suisse/story/Mariages-de-mineurs-celebres-aussi-en-Suisse-29780439
– Une «tournante» met la justice dans l’embarras. In: 24 Heures. 31.01.2017. http://www.24heures.ch/vaud-regions/tournante-met-justice-embarras/story/31079326 [link-preview url=”http://www.tdg.ch/suisse/Un-convoyeur-de-mendiants-roms-condamne/story/13469260 “]


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This story is so not typical of Slovakia that one almost asks oneself how is this possible. A private school in Bratislava wants to attract Rroma, especially disabled ones to the school. The school costs over 2’00 EUR per year, a sum which is beyond the reach of many Rroma families, and subsidies will be given …

– Na súkromné bratislavské gymnázium chcú prilákať Rómov, deti na vozíčku aj z chudobných rodín. In: Dennik. 01.02.2017. https://dennikn.sk/667891/na-sukromne-bratislavske-gymnazium-chcu-prilakat-romov-deti-na-vozicku-aj-z-chudobnych-rodin/ [link-preview url=”https://dennikn.sk/667891/na-sukromne-bratislavske-gymnazium-chcu-prilakat-romov-deti-na-vozicku-aj-z-chudobnych-rodin/”]
