Daily Archives: Februar 7, 2017

Stefan Eicher

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The Swiss and internationally renowned musician Stefan Eicher is embarking on a new endeavour, trying to find his Jenisch roots. He is a prominent member of that minority who was severely discriminated against in Switzerland.

– Die Musik einer Minderheit. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung. 01.02.2017. https://www.nzz.ch/feuilleton/kino/unerhoert-jenisch-die-musik-der-fahrenden-ld.142810 [link-preview url=”https://www.nzz.ch/feuilleton/kino/unerhoert-jenisch-die-musik-der-fahrenden-ld.142810″]

Football Again

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Seems that racism and prejudice are an integral part of Football. This time this is an Australian goalkeeper who was fined for having insulted another player, calling him a “f*cking Gypsy” …
What a surprise.

– City keeper in hot water for shocking racial slur. In: Yahoo AU Sports. 05.02.2017. https://au.sports.yahoo.com/football/a/34342322/dean-bouzanis-gypsy-slur-besart-berisha-melbourne-a-league-derby/#page1 [link-preview url=”https://au.sports.yahoo.com/football/a/34342322/dean-bouzanis-gypsy-slur-besart-berisha-melbourne-a-league-derby/#page1″]

Hungary and Rroma Holocaust

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What happens in Hungary do on Holocaust Day? Well, the Rroma Holocaust Centre in Csepel announced it will close for lack of funds. They lack 110k USD.

– Roma Holocaust center closes in Csepel due to lack of funding. In: Budapest Beacon. 30.01.2017. http://budapestbeacon.com/news-in-brief/roma-holocaust-center-closes-csepel-due-lack-funding/44232 [link-preview url=”http://budapestbeacon.com/news-in-brief/roma-holocaust-center-closes-csepel-due-lack-funding/44232″]
