Daily Archives: Februar 11, 2017

Australia – Footballer Suspended

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The Australian Footballer Bouzanis was suspended for repeatedly calling another player a “f•cking Gypsy”… Unfortunately not the first time, neither the last. At least he was suspended.

– Melbourne City Down One More Player as Bouzanis Gets Suspended Five Games. In: Sportsblog. 09.02.2017. http://michaelstehlik.sportsblog.com/posts/31954208/melbourne-city-down-one-more-player-as-bouzanis-gets-suspended-five-games.html [link-preview url=”http://michaelstehlik.sportsblog.com/posts/31954208/melbourne-city-down-one-more-player-as-bouzanis-gets-suspended-five-games.html”]

Irish Tinkers

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An interesting study about the Irish Tinkers or Travellers. According to the genetic study, while they are from Irish origins (i.e. not related to Rroma at all), they separated from the general Irish population much earlier than thought, around the late 16th century. This long time as a separate population makes them genetically distinct from nowadays’ Irish.

– Travellers as ‘genetically different’ from settled Irish as Spanish. In: The Irish Times. 09.02.2017. http://www.irishtimes.com/news/science/travellers-as-genetically-different-from-settled-irish-as-spanish-1.2969515
– Study on ancestry of Irish Travellers details genetic connection to settled community. In: The Journal.ie. 09.02.2017. http://www.thejournal.ie/traveller-community-study-rcsi-3231070-Feb2017/ [link-preview url=”http://www.irishtimes.com/news/science/travellers-as-genetically-different-from-settled-irish-as-spanish-1.2969515 “]

Italy, Rroma, and 30 Mio

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A very large number of articles in the Italian press reported the confiscation of 30 Mio EUR of assets from 5 Sinti families in the Lazio region. According to the news, these families had created a criminal ring.
Bad for the reputation of all …

– Roma, sequestrato tesoro da 30 milioni a 5 famiglie sinti. In: Il Messagero. 09.02.2017. http://www.ilmessaggero.it/roma/cronaca/ladispoli_sequestro_famiglie_rom-2248338.html
– VIDEO | Ville e terreni: ecco i tesori di 5 famiglie sinti a Ladispoli e Cerveteri. In: Roma Today. 09.02.2017. http://www.romatoday.it/cronaca/video-sequestro-famiglia-sinti-ladrispoli-cerveteri.html
– Operazione di Dia e carabinieri tra Cerveteri e Ladispoli. In: Civonline. 09.02.2017. http://cerveteri.civonline.it/articolo/operazione-di-dia-e-carabinieri-tra-cerveteri-e-ladispoli
– Operazione Dia: sequestrati 15 ville, un distributore ed un bar. In: Civitavecchia. 09.02.2017. http://www.terzobinario.it/operazione-dia-sequestrati-15-ville-un-distributore-ed-un-bar/104621
– Maxi sequestro di beni della DIA a Cerveteri e Ladispoli. In: Baraonda. 09.02.2017. http://www.baraondanews.it/c/146295/13174/maxi-sequestro-di-beni-della-dia-a-cerveteri-e-ladispoli.html
– Roma, maxi sequestro a famiglie etnia sinti: oltre 30 mln euro. In: TG Com. 09.02.2017. http://www.tgcom24.mediaset.it/cronaca/lazio/roma-maxi-sequestro-a-famiglie-etnia-sinti-oltre-30-mln-euro_3055943-201702a.shtml
– Cerveteri e Ladispoli, sequestrati beni per 30 milioni a 5 famiglie Sinti. In: Rep TV. 09.02.2017. http://video.repubblica.it/edizione/roma/cerveteri-e-ladispoli-sequestrati-beni-per-30-milioni-a-5-famiglie-sinti/267295/267682?refresh_ce [link-preview url=”http://www.ilmessaggero.it/roma/cronaca/ladispoli_sequestro_famiglie_rom-2248338.html “]

Opening of the Movie Django

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The movie on Django Reinhard’s life opened at the Berlin Film festival, with some mixed critiques. During the opening, Rroma and the Holocaust were prominently cited, and comparisons with current times were made.

– Berlin Film Review: ‘Django’ In: Variety. 09.02.2017. http://variety.com/2017/film/reviews/django-review-berlin-film-festival-1201980971/
– Political resistance on Berlinale red carpet. In: DW. 09.02.2017. http://www.dw.com/en/political-resistance-on-berlinale-red-carpet/a-37487190 [link-preview url=”http://variety.com/2017/film/reviews/django-review-berlin-film-festival-1201980971/ “]
